United States

RFK Jr. as America’s #1 HIV/AIDS Denier and the Sounds of Media Silence

BY RON UNZ • UNZ REVIEW • DECEMBER 15, 2021 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book attacking Anthony Fauci and the medical establishment has become a publishing sensation, spending more than a full week as the #1 Amazon bestseller and racking up over 2,600 reviews, 94% of them five-star. Now after nearly a month of stunned […]

A misunderstanding between NATO & Russia could cause a catastrophe

By Paul Robinson | RT | Decvember 15, 2021 If you can read only one article about international relations theory, it should be Columbia Professor Robert Jervis’ “Hypotheses on Misperception.” Jervis died last week, but his work explains recent Russia and NATO tensions. In the past month, an alleged “build-up” of Russian military forces close […]


By GAVIN O’REILLY | Blacklisted News | December 15, 2021 Over the past month, in a break from its usual focus on COVID-19, the Western mainstream media has dedicated a sizeable amount of coverage to unverified claims by unnamed US intelligence officials that the Russian Federation is planning an imminent military invasion of its western […]

The NY Times reports US forces ‘killed dozens in Syria.’ The reality is far worse.

By Eva Bartlett | RT | December 15, 2021 Two recent reports by the New York Times highlight some of the US’ manifold crimes in Syria, murdering untold numbers of Syrian civilians over the years, under the pretext of fighting the Islamic State. They exposed a 2019 US bombing in Baghuz, eastern Syria, which killed 70 […]

Forget China, was it CEPI’s bio-spooks who locked down the West?

By Paula Jardine | TCW Defending Freedom | December 15, 2021 IT is nearly two years since the world turned upside down and a sequence of unprecedented lockdowns and quarantines in the name of public health and safety were imposed across the West. The narrative of the still unfolding story of Covid-19 is familiar to all of us, […]

FDA Colludes with US Postal Service to Destroy Ivermectin Shipments

InfoWars | December 15, 2021 The US Food and Drug Administration is colluding with the US Postal Service to intercept inbound international shipments of Covid wonder drug ivermectin, reports circulating on social media claim. According to letters from the FDA being shared online, the federal regulatory agency blocked shipments of ivermectin from reaching their intended […]

How Domestic Surveillance of Journalists & Citizens Became Standard US Government Practice

By Ekaterina Blinova | Sputnik | December 14, 2021 Under the Trump administration, the Counter Network Division, a special unit within Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, used government databases intended for terrorist tracking to investigate 20 US-based journalists, Yahoo News revealed on Saturday. CBP is the largest federal law enforcement agency in the US […]

The Pandemicists Must Be Stopped

The Pandemicists at Work: This strange and mildly disturbing illustration actually accompanies the article, one of many cases where the NYT betray the sinister undertones of their agenda via accompanying imagery. eugyppius – December 14, 2021 Corona has vastly expanded the ranks of pandemic planners and public health botherers. Unless something is done, these people […]

Russian Foreign Ministry statement on dialogue with the US and West regarding security guarantees

Russian Foreign Ministry | December 12, 2021 We note US President Joseph Biden’s readiness expressed at the December 7, 2021 talks with President Vladimir Putin to establish a serious dialogue on issues related to ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. Such a dialogue is urgently needed today when the relations between Russia and the […]