United States

FDA Should Need Only ‘12 Weeks’ to Release Pfizer Data, Not 75 Years, Plaintiff Calculates

By Seth Hancock | The Defender | December 17, 2021 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials skipped the start of oral arguments Tuesday as a federal district court weighed whether the agency can take 75 years to fully release documents on Pfizer’s Comirnaty COVID vaccine, according to a lawyer representing plaintiffs who sued the FDA for the documents. A U.S. Department […]

Washington ‘hunts’ Russian citizens in third countries – Moscow

RT | December 19, 2021 Moscow has condemned the extradition of a Russian IT firm owner from Switzerland to the US. His lawyer said Washington wants to tie the man to alleged meddling by Moscow in the 2016 American presidential election. The extradition of businessman Vladislav Klyushin is “another episode of Washington’s continuing ‘hunt’ for […]

U.S. Proxy War Against Russia in Ukraine: The Afghanistan-Syria Redux Option

By Finian Cunningham | Strategic Culture Foundation | December 18, 2021 The United States is planning to redouble its weapons supply to Ukraine. What is shaping up is an intensified proxy war against Russia in which the Russophobic Kiev regime acts as Washington’s catspaw. The objective is to debilitate Russia in the same way the […]

The FDA approves boosters for minors – without testing boosters on minors

Age group testing? Zero. Techno Fog | December 14, 2021 Late last week, on December 9, the FDA approved the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, “authorizing the use of a single booster dose for administration to individuals 16 and 17 years of age.” The booster is to be given at least 6 months […]

OK, I admit I was wrong about the Democratic party

By Steve Kirsch | December 19, 2021 Here are the things I believe in: Freedom to speak the truth without censorship Science Facts Medical freedom/choice The Nuremberg Code / informed consent Allowing the public to hold people accountable Open discourse and debate to settle differences Caring for those who the government has injured The Democrats […]

The Hounding of Julian Assange Leaves Honest Journalism with No Refuge

It is no accident that Julian Assange, the digital transparency activist and journalist who founded Wikileaks to help whistleblowers tell us what western governments are really up to in the shadows, has spent 10 years being progressively disappeared into those very same shadows. His treatment is a crime similar to those Wikileaks exposed when it […]

‘Many Lives Being Destroyed’ by Government’s Failure to Recognize Natural Immunity: Physician

The Defender | December 16, 2021 Dr. Marty Makary on Tuesday accused public health officials of “modern-day McCarthyism,” and publishing studies not worthy of “a 7th-grade science experiment.” The public health researcher and professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health told members of the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis some COVID policies have become “too extreme, […]

US pilot deaths increase by 1,750% after covid vaccine rollout

By Lance D Johnson | Vaccine Injury News | December 13, 2021 Previously healthy U.S. airline pilots are passing away at an unprecedented rate. Pilots are required to be in tip-top physical condition, but in 2021, the entire airline industry conspired against the pilot’s individual health and threatened them with termination if they did not partake […]