United States

Sen. Johnson Requests Records From Top Medical Journals on Retracted Studies, Including Flawed HCQ Study

The Defender | December 21, 2021 Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has written to The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine seeking records on two retracted studies from mid-2020. Johnson particularly called out The Lancet study, which suggested hydroxychloroquine could boost the risk of death in COVID patients. “Although this fraudulent study was ultimately retracted, […]

“Do Not Discriminate” Against the Unvaccinated, Japanese Government Tells Citizens

By Noah Carl | The Daily Sceptic | December 21, 2021  At this point, almost all Western countries have introduced some form of vaccine passport or vaccine mandate. Despite repeated assurances from the Vaccines Minister that this wouldn’t happen here, Britain is no exception. Things may go further in some European countries. Austria is set to make vaccination mandatory from 1st February next […]

American mercenaries preparing ‘chemical weapon’ incident in east Ukraine: Russia

RT | December 21, 2021 US private military companies (PMCs) are preparing a provocation using chemical weapons in troubled and tense eastern Ukraine, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu claimed on Tuesday. Moscow believes there are more than 120 employees of American PMCs operating in the region, where they are working with Ukrainian special forces. Containers […]

Gaslighting Autism Families: CDC, Media Continue to Obscure Decades of Vaccine-Related Harm

The Defender | December 17, 2021 Media and public health officials perpetuated their entrenched practice of gaslighting autism families when earlier this month they trotted out the worn-out canard that a 23% rise in autism prevalence over a two-year period “reflects more awareness … rather than a true increase.” The basis for this mean-spirited whopper was the […]