United States

Delicensing Doctors for ‘Harmful Misinformation’

By Jane M. Orient, M.D. | Assosiation of American Physicians and Surgeons | December 17, 2021 In addition to being subjected to various forms of censorship, for the first time in living memory American doctors are getting threat letters from licensure boards warning them against distributing “harmful misinformation.” Medical boards in 12 states have disciplined doctors because […]

COVID-19 vaccine mandate for San Diego students struck down by the Court in a final decision on the merits

A court recognizes an unauthorized power grab – we need more of that By Aaron Siri | December 22, 2021 The San Diego Unified School District took it upon itself to mandate a COVID-19 vaccine for students. In-person school for certain ages was conditioned upon receipt of this vaccine. Those who chose to decline the […]

Carrying our baggage into the apocalypse

By Richard Hugus | December 23, 2021 Almost two years in, the “Great Reset” has reached a certain stage of maturity. Years of planning, infiltration, manipulation, and social engineering have come to fruition. The many simulations are now being tested in the real world. The actors who trained and rehearsed for their parts as presidents, prime ministers, health […]

Pfizer, FDA Dodge Media Questions About Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine

By Seth Hancock | The Defender | December 22, 2021 Two media outlets last week requested, but failed to obtain, clarity from Pfizer on whether its fully licensed Comirnaty COVID vaccine is available in the U.S. Reporting by The Ohio Star and National File highlighted the ongoing debate over whether the vaccine can legally be mandated, and whether Pfizer […]

Voices of Concern: Aussies for Assange’s Return

With Julian Assange now fighting the next stage of efforts to extradite him to the United States to face 18 charges, 17 of which are based on the brutal, archaic Espionage Act, some Australian politicians have found their voice.  It might be said that a few have even found their conscience. Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister […]
The post Voices of Concern: Aussies for Assange’s Return first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Unveiled documents expose countless civilian deaths and war crimes committed by the US

By Paul Antonopoulos | December 22, 2021 Since the early 2000’s, drone use in warfare became more prominent in US military planning and engagement. Successive US presidents, particularly Barack Obama, promised that the use of all-seeing drones and precision bombs would reduce civilian casualties. However, documents unveiled by the New York Times show flawed intelligence, […]

EU’s top court allows European firms to scrap Iran deals

Press TV – December 22, 2021 The EU’s supreme court has intervened to protect European companies against legal action by Iran for failing to fulfill their contractual obligations. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg has ruled that EU companies can end contracts with Iranian firms if upholding the deals would lead to “disproportionate […]

The US is Gaining a Foothold in Uzbekistan

By Valery Kulikov – New Eastern Outlook – 22.12.2021  To create sustainable groundwork for further expansion into Central Asia, Washington has recently placed particular emphasis on developing relations and cooperation with Uzbekistan. One of such work areas in this country has been the active opening of “American Corners” in Uzbekistan. It is a US government-supported global network […]

The Fear of Those Still-Secret CIA Records on the JFK Assassination

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | December 20, 2021 One of the amusing aspects of the ongoing controversy over those still-secret CIA records relating to the Kennedy assassination has been the reaction of lone-nut theorists. Hardly any of them, if any at all, are publicly calling on President Biden to disclose those records now […]