United States

ICAN Demands CDC Authors Withdraw Rigged Natural Immunity Study

Informed Consent Action Network | December 31, 2021 On October 29, 2021, 53 authors put their name on a paper that they should be, at best, deeply ashamed of and, at worst, held liable for. Seventeen of those authors were members of CDC’s COVID-19 Response Team. ICAN sent them a letter detailing the gross scientific misconduct […]

High Energy Costs the Christmas Gift of ‘Green’ Politicians

By Vijay Jayaraj | RealClear Energy | December 29, 2021 The coming cold of winter is being paired with “green-inspired” energy policies that have created higher energy prices and fuel shortages. Historically, winters have been big killers. But centuries of innovation made us more resilient to the cold as we fully utilized the naturally available […]

NY State Dept. of Health Still Can’t Provide Any Proof that Vaccinated Children are Healthier than Unvaccinated

Informed Consent Action Network | December 29, 2021 Last month, yet another letter had to be sent to the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the New York State Education Department (NYSED) calling out their failure to provide any proof to dispute extremely important and revealing data reflecting that unvaccinated children have […]

After Thousands Of Parents Refused To Comply, California School District Reverses Child Jab Mandate

By Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project | December 23, 2021 San Diego, CA — Forgoing any legal democratic processes, multiple school districts in California began mandating the COVID-19 vaccination for children earlier this year. Set to go into effect in January, any child, 16 and older, who did not get the jab, was […]

ICAN Sues CDC to Stop Hiding V-Safe Data from the Public

Informed Consent Action Network | December 29, 2021 The FDA and CDC have now made crystal clear that their promise of transparency with regard to COVID-19 vaccines was hogwash. As everyone now knows, the FDA has asked a federal judge to give it at least 75 years to produce the pre-authorization/licensure safety data. And we now know […]