United States

Coming to your dinner plate soon? Potentially unsafe GM tomatoes

By Claire Robinson – GMWatch – January 10, 2022 Sanatech’s CRISPR gene-edited tomato engineered to contain higher levels of a sedative substance, GABA, is being sold on the open market in Japan. While GABA is reportedly viewed as a health-promoting substance in Japan, findings in studies are mixed and there are no studies at all showing that eating the gene-edited tomato has […]

Wind will be Competitive! (Secretary Chu from 2011)

By Robert Bradley Jr. | MasterResource | January 6, 2022 “’Before maybe the end of this decade, I see wind and solar being cost-competitive without subsidy with new fossil fuel,’ Chu told an event at the Pew Charitable Trusts.” (below) Energy history matters. In the marketplace, what energies performed and at what cost; in energy policy, […]

Americans ‘underestimate gravity of situation,’ Russia warns after European security talks

Key security issues ‘still pending,’ Moscow’s envoy says after Geneva discussions RT | January 10, 2022 While the US delegation came to Europe to “seriously” discuss Moscow’s security proposals, on Monday, they have not shown an understanding of how the key issues need to be resolved, Russia’s top negotiator said afterwards. The Americans “underestimate the […]

Last Chance Saloon: best chance to ease East-West tensions cannot be missed

By Tony Kevin | Pearls and Irritations | January 7, 2022 We are at a crunch point now in Russia-US relations. Their high-level talks starting next week will be closely observed by China, Russia’s de facto strategic ally. The coming days and weeks will determine the shape of world security for decades to come.  On […]

DOJ will not withdraw controversial memo on targeting school parents

BY SHARYL ATTKISSON – JANUARY 9, 2022  Nearly three months after the controversy over the FBI targeting school parents as possible domestic terrorists, Senate Republicans on the Judiciary Committee have gotten a reply from the Dept. of Justice. They say the response falls far short of what’s necessary. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) announced this week […]

Kazakhstan turns into graveyard for US diplomacy

A Pentagon-funded bio-lab near Almaty, Kazakhstan, has become focus of attention for its research on “dangerous pathogens” BY M. K. BHADRAKUMAR | INDIAN PUNCHLINE | JANUARY 9, 2022  The Kazakh Ministry of Health issued an innocuous disclaimer today denying social media reports about the seizure of a “military biological lab near Almaty by unidentified people.”  […]

Bi-partisan coalition urges Biden to resist calls for military action against Russia

Group wants the administration to stick to its pledge of diplomacy, stop NATO expansion, and refuse to send troops to Ukraine. By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos | Responsible Statecraft | January 8, 2022 A coalition of both conservative and progressive foreign policy organizations have delivered a letter to the White House, asking the president to pursue a […]