United States

Have Lockdown Sceptics Won the Argument?

By Edward Chancellor | The Daily Sceptic | January 25, 2022 Now that Covid restrictions are being rolled back, various commentators are declaring victory over the miserable virus. Lockdowns, we are told, worked. Only a fool could argue otherwise. Devi Sridhar, the Chair of Global Public Health at Edinburgh University, who was formerly an exponent of the […]

Following “Unjustifiable” UAE Bombing of Saada Prison, US & UN Condemn Yemeni Retaliation

“This is the latest in a long line of unjustifiable airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led Coalition on places like schools, hospitals, markets, wedding parties, and prisons.” – Ahmed Mahat, head of the Doctors Without Borders mission in Yemen
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Croatia to Withdraw Its Forces From NATO in Event of Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Sputnik – 25.01.2022 Croatia will withdraw its military from NATO forces deployed in the region in the event of a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, President Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday. “I follow reports, according to which NATO, not a separate state, not the United States, is strengthening its presence, sending reconnaissance vessels. We have […]

How Billions in COVID Stimulus Funds Led Hospitals to Prioritize ‘Treatments’ That Killed, Rather Than Cured

The Defender | January 24, 2022 As reported last week by The Defender, federal monies from the 2020 and 2021 COVID stimulus bills dramatically reshaped K-12 educational priorities, turning American school officials into lackeys for federal agencies more intent on masking and vaccinating every last child than on supporting meaningful education. So, too, with the stimulus-induced reshaping […]

13% of US hospitals critically understaffed, 22% anticipate shortages: Numbers by state

By Marissa Plescia and Kelly Gooch | Becker’s Hospital Review | January 24, 2022 Almost 13 percent — or 772 of 6,004 — of hospitals reporting staffing levels in the U.S. are experiencing critical staffing shortages, according to HHS data posted Jan. 23. This is about 2 percentage points less than figures released Jan. 20. A critical staffing shortage […]

Activists complain bipartisan antitrust law proposal could make online censorship more difficult

The challenge comes from “free press” groups By Didi Rankovic | Reclaim The Net | January 24, 2022 The American Innovation and Choice Online Act that is currently making its way through Senate committees before being put up for the final vote, is attracting attention both from those who support it and Big Tech’s lobbyists, who earlier […]