United States

Biden Regime Escalates War on Supply Chains

By Stephen Lendman | January 30, 2022 Effective on January 22, the Biden regime’s Department of Homeland Security ordered the following: “(N)on-US individuals seeking to enter the US via land ports of entry and ferry terminals at the US-Mexico and Canada  borders  (must) be fully (jabbed) for (flu/covid) and provide related proof” of kill shots gotten. The draconian mandate does not […]

Why Smedley Butler left the imperialist front despising ‘Gangsters of Capitalism’

New book shows how the American general’s contempt for ‘the racket’ was born during his service in the 20th century ‘small wars.’ Review by Daniel Larison | Responsible Statecraft | January 28, 2022 Smedley Butler was one of the most decorated Marines in U.S. history, and by the end of his life he was also […]

Requiem for a People-Centered World Dream

My dream is to invite a reader into a room and pour a nice cup of tea . . . and then nail the door shut. — author Charles Bowden, 2010 NPR interview There is so much daily that expresses so much about the slippery slopes we are in globally because of predatory-penury-parasitic-pugilistic capitalism. In the […]
The post Requiem for a People-Centered World Dream first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Pressure Campaign on Spotify to Remove Joe Rogan Reveals the Religion of Liberals: Censorship

By Glenn Greenwald | January 29, 2022 American liberals are obsessed with finding ways to silence and censor their adversaries. Every week, if not every day, they have new targets they want de-platformed, banned, silenced, and otherwise prevented from speaking or being heard (by “liberals,” I mean the term of self-description used by the dominant wing of […]

GOP Doctors Caucus ‘infuriated’ with Fauci, White House

RT | January 29, 2022 Murphy, a practicing surgeon, says the GOP Doctors Caucus is “infuriated” with the White House and its chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, for promoting Covid-19 vaccinations too heavily while ignoring potential therapeutic treatments. “I’m a vice chair of the GOP Doctors Caucus. We are infuriated – infuriated – that this has […]

US Asks Hungary To Host Troops Aimed At Russia, Despite Long Snubbing Orbán

Suddenly Washington wants something from Hungary, after seeking to isolate and humiliate Budapest… Viktor Orbán via Reuters By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | January 28, 2022 It’s been revealed that the United States approached Hungary this week to ask the country to host a temporary troop deployment related to the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter […]

Six Things the Media Won’t Tell You About Ukraine

On January 10, American and Russian officials will meet to discuss Putin’s proposal on mutual security guarantees. Western media and political analysts have cast Putin’s demands that NATO not expand further east to Ukraine and that NATO not establish military bases in former Soviet states nor use them to carry out military activity as bold and impossible. Here are six […]
The post Six Things the Media Won’t Tell You About Ukraine appeared first on BSNEWS.

Virginia AG issues Opinion that public universities lack authority to demand COVID vaccinations of students

By Merly Nass, MD | January 28, 2022 Hallelujah! There are many state entities that are acting as if they have authorities which were never granted to them. They simply usurped the authority and hoped no one would burst their expanding bubble. Well, the AG in this newly-Republican state told the public universities to go pound […]

As Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ Unravels, Congress Launches New Pro-Israel ‘Cheerleading’ Caucus

In less than two years, former President Trump’s Middle East peace agreement is in shambles and the Israel lobby is desperate to revive it, no matter the cost.
The post As Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ Unravels, Congress Launches New Pro-Israel ‘Cheerleading’ Caucus appeared first on MintPress News.