United States

Authoritarian Control Freaks Want to Micromanage Our Lives

John Whitehead “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau Authoritarian control freaks out to micromanage our lives have become the new normal or, to be more accurate, the new abnormal when it comes to how the government relates to the citizenry. This overbearing despotism, which pre-dates the COVID-19 hysteria, is the very definition …

American Political History Might Have Turned Out Differently if a Louisiana Congressman’s Plane Hadn’t Mysteriously Vanished Out of Thin Air 51 Years Ago

The man who tipped off New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison about the corruption of the Warren Commission was poised to be the next Speaker of the House before his plane went down in October 1972 and could have potentially been president. [This article follows CAM’s series on political assassinations—Editors] On October 16, 1972, a Cessna […]

A Message to Donald Rumsfeld’s Ghost About My Known Knowns

Edward Curtin On February 12, 2002 at a Pentagon news conference, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was asked by Jim Miklaszewski, the NBC Pentagon correspondent, if he had any evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was supplying them to terrorists. Rumsfeld delivered a famous non-answer answer and said: Reports that say that something hasn’t …

After the Attack, Israeli Rulers Launch Genocidal Destruction

In the immediate aftermath of Hamas’s horrific counterattack on mostly Israeli civilians and Israel’s hourly genocidal bombing on Gaza’s more than 2 million people – nearly 40% of whom are children – it is unlikely that the Western or U.S. mass media will focus on what should be the U.S. government’s response. Last Sunday, Secretary of State […]

Florida International University Hires Failed Venezuelan Coup Plotter as Visiting Professor at Adam Smith Center For Economic Freedom

The CIA has long had a presence on American college campuses—whether as recruiters or in political science and Russian Studies Departments. Foreign CIA assets or political leaders or intellectuals receiving funding from the National Endowment For Democracy (NED), which finances propaganda, have been frequently appointed to faculty positions at prestigious universities. Kanan Makyia, author of […]

CIA’s Hollywood Liaison May Be Behind Disappearance of Hollywood Screenwriter Who Knew Too Much

Gary Devore Vanished Mysteriously After He Had Learned About a Bribery Scheme Orchestrated by Panamanian General Manuel Noriega, Who Recorded High-Ranking Officials Having Sex with Minors in His House Hollywood screenwriter Gary Devore vanished 26 years ago on a June night in 1997. A year later his car was found submerged under water in an […]

Who are the Real Terrorists in the Palestine Story?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more sickening speech from a world leader than Biden’s following Hamas’s attack on Israel, the tormentor of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. His crass ignorance, prejudice and subservience to a criminal, apartheid regime, while utterly indifferent to the suffering of the Palestinian people, sets a […]