United States

Truckers’ Declaration

State of the Nation | February 5, 2022 We, the Truckers Of America, declare that whereas: The “killer virus” is a mild flu The Covid “vaccine” is a gene-modification treatment, harmful, often deadly, and damaging to the immune system The Covid “vaccine” is unnecessary because cheap, effective remedies exist; administering these dangerous experimental jabs to […]

MSNBC Misinfo: Zeke Emanuel Peddles Fear, Says Unvaxxed Children ‘Likely To Get Serious Case Of Covid’

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | February 5, 2022 Dr Ezekiel Emanuel – former Biden Covid-19 adviser and brother of former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (and the real ‘Ari Gold’ from Entourage) appeared on MSNBC Wednesday, where he proceeded to peddle the lie that unvaccinated children are ‘likely’ to get a ‘serious’ case of […]

The ‘Science’ of Manipulation: Researchers Craft Messages of Guilt, Shame to Foster Vaccine Compliance

By Ann Tomoko Rosen | The Defender | February 4, 2022 There’s an entire field of research dedicated to developing messaging designed to persuade “vaccine-hesitant” individuals to get the COVID-19 vaccine. None of the messaging examined by researchers involves conveying factual evidence that supports the claims — widely disseminated by Big Pharma, Big Media and public health […]

Eli Yale Surveillance State

By Stephen Lendman | February 5, 2022 Since seasonal flu was renamed covid over two years ago, medical tyranny became the new abnormal on thousands of US college and university campuses nationwide. Rights guaranteed by international and US constitutional law no longer apply. Health and freedom-destroying mandates replaced them. The higher education experience I enjoyed […]

Around 70 more Joe Rogan episodes have disappeared from Spotify

By Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net | February 4, 2022 Around 70 episodes of the Joe Rogan Experience have today disappeared, according to JREMissing, a tool that uses the Spotify API to detect episode deletions. Reclaim The Net has confirmed that the episodes have indeed been deleted at the time of writing. The missing episodes […]

Whistleblower: Gunshot Wounds, Baby Deliveries, Car Accidents All Being Coded as “COVID” in Hospitals to Keep Federal Funding Flowing

By Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News | February 4, 2022 More evidence is surfacing showing that hospitals today are still collecting federal funds as an incentive to diagnose patients with “COVID” via a PCR Test, even if the patient was brought to the hospital with gunshot wounds, or to have a child, or from […]

Western Lies and False Narratives About Ethiopia

War is big, loud, significant and attracts an audience; media likes it. Foreign wars (commonly Middle Eastern or African) distract from domestic chaos and reinforce a long-held prejudice of savagery and race, and the opposite, equally false notion of western superiority. In all conflicts mainstream media plays a crucial role, often inflammatory, feeding the  discord […]

Popular Resistance Newsletter: Stop the War with Russia Weekend Actions!

Once again, the people of the United States are being lied into a war – this time with Russia over Ukraine. The corporate media echo chamber’s warning of an “imminent Russian invasion” is the equivalence of the “Iraq has WMD’s” lie used to justify a US invasion there in 2003. We are in an urgent […]
The post Popular Resistance Newsletter: Stop the War with Russia Weekend Actions! first appeared on Dissident Voice.