United States

Military lab changed mission statement after report questioned value of its work

A BSL-4 lab at Fort Detrick is shown. (Courtesy of: the Office of the Maryland Governor) By Emily Kopp | US Right To Know | March 1, 2022 The Army’s premier biolab changed its mission statement after a 2014 report by high-ranking officials concluded its work has become less useful since its Cold War heyday and no longer […]

Most Kids Are Already Naturally Immune to COVID. So Why Are We Vaccinating Them?

The Defender | March 1, 2022 The “majority” of children in the U.S. have already been infected with COVID-19, The Washington Post today reported, after reviewing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Post’s report begs the question: If so many kids have natural immunity to the virus, and, as reported Monday, the vaccines aren’t very […]

Why did the US embassy official website just REMOVE all evidence of Ukrainian bioweapons labs?

By Lance D Johnson | Natural News | March 2, 2022 The official US embassy website recently REMOVED all evidence of bio-labs in Ukraine. These bio-labs are funded and jointly operated by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The laboratory documents were public knowledge up until February 25, 2022. These documents include important construction, financing and […]

Russia’s space agency hits back at US

RT | March 3, 2022 In a tit-for-tat move against restrictions slapped on it by the international community due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, Russia’s space agency announced on Thursday that it would be imposing counter-sanctions. According to the agency’s director, Dmitry Rogozin, Roscosmos will halt shipping RD-181 rocket engines to the US and maintaining the […]

Russia Prevents Washington from Unleashing Biological Warfare

By Vladimir Platov – New Eastern Outlook – 03.03.2022 In view of the unrest that US intelligence services have been actively initiating lately, whether in Central Asia, Transcaucasia or other areas bordering Russia and China, the risk of a biological disaster from multiple secret military biological laboratories deployed by the US in potentially politically and […]

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Outing the Iraq War White Washers

The guilty can be devious in concealing their crimes, and their role in them.  The greater the crime, the more devious the strategy of deception.  The breaking of international law, and the breaching of convention, is a field replete with such figures. Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has presented a particularly odious grouping, a good […]

Manufacturing Savagery: US Military Training in West Africa and Beyond

On January 24th, Burkina Faso bore witness to its third destabilizing coup in less than a decade. It also marked the eighth successful putsch American soldiers launched in multiple West African countries since 2008. The Intercept reports that Ouagadougou’s new leader, Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, took part in many United States led AFRICOM (Africa Command) […]