United States

US gives NATO countries ‘green light’ to provide fighter jets to Ukraine

RT | March 6, 2022 US Secretary of State Tony Blinken told CBS News on Sunday that Washington has given a “green light” to NATO members to supply Ukraine with fighter jets, and that the US would work to replace any jets sent to Kiev. Blinken spoke after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urged US lawmakers […]

Russia claims Ukraine destroying evidence of US-funded bioweapons program

Bacteriological laboratory at the Lvov Regional Laboratory Centre in Lvov, Ukraine, November 9, 2020 © Getty Images / Markiian Lyseiko RT | March 6, 2022 As Russian troops entered Ukraine, the government in Kiev ordered the“emergency destruction” of pathogens including plague and anthrax at US-funded laboratories near the Russian border, the Ministry of Defense in Moscow […]

Majority Supremes Uphold Wrongful Conviction and Capital Punishment

By Stephen Lendman | March 6, 2022 In April 2013, Dzhokkar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were framed as patsies for what was called the Boston Marathon bombing. Local police lethally shot brother Tamerlan near Watertown, MA. Dzhokhar was arrested, falsely charged, convicted and sentenced to death. Neither brother was involved with the incident, a state-sponsored false […]

17 reasons why it is irrational to trust the medical community regarding the covid vaccines

Public health policies over the past two years have failed to curb covid at all but wrought unmitigated societal devastation. What exactly have they done right? Ashmedai | February 3, 2022 One of the most intractable impediments to convincing people of straightforward facts relating to the covid vaccines is their instinctive and unshakeable trust of […]

Doubling Down On Double Standards: The Ukraine Propaganda Blitz

The American population was bombarded the way the Iraqi population was bombarded. It was a war against us, a war of lies and disinformation and omission of history. That kind of war, overwhelming and devastating, waged here in the US while the Gulf War was waged over there.’ ((Howard Zinn, ‘Power, History and Warfare’, Open Magazine […]

Report of Toddler’s Death Disappears from VAERS and CDC Has No Records as to Why!

Informed Consent Action Network | March 4, 2022 On December 16, 2021, ICAN, through its attorneys, issued a Freedom of Information Act request to the CDC seeking any documents reflecting why a certain VAERS report was no longer available in the VAERS database. The report described an extremely disturbing incident wherein a two-year-old boy “began bleeding out of […]

‘Truly Frightening:’ Feds Give Tech Companies Until May 2 to ‘Turn Over COVID-19 Misinformation’

By Meryl Nass, M.D. | The Defender | March 4, 2022 Two news stories this week reveal how the federal government plans to treat COVID “misinformation” as a crime, and what role tech companies will play in rounding up the “criminal.” This is truly frightening. Two U.S. Senators this week introduced a bill to provide tech companies cover via […]

Biden Claims Gun Makers Only Industry That Can’t Be Sued, Fails to Mention Blanket Liability for COVID Vaccine Makers

By Megan Redshaw | The Defender | March 4, 2022 President Biden during Tuesday’s State of the Union address falsely claimed the billion-dollar gun manufacturing industry is the only industry in the U.S. that can’t be sued — when in fact, vaccine makers in the U.S. have total liability protection for injuries or deaths caused by COVID vaccines. “Repeal […]