United States

Chicago Students Try to Cancel Professor Who Predicted Ukraine Crisis

By Noah Carl | The Daily Sceptic | March 10, 2022 Professor John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago is the man who, way back in 2015, said the following: The West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path and the end result is that Ukraine is going to get wrecked … What we’re doing is encouraging the Ukrainians […]

Venezuela backs Russia despite tempting US offers

MEMO | March 10, 2022 The US has been trying to tempt Venezuela into increasing its oil production, but President Nicolas Maduro insists on standing by his traditional ally and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. US officials have visited the country with the promise of continued access to US markets. Venezuela and other South American countries […]

Do Ukrainian biolabs violate the ban on biological weapons programs?

By Scott Ritter | RT | March 10, 2022 Unless either Ukraine or the US can prove otherwise, the available evidence points to Kiev operating biological laboratories which may have violated the Biological and Toxins Weapons Convention. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland appeared before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on […]

US Enriches itself at the Expense of the EU Paralized by the Price Shock

By Vladimir Danilov – New Eastern Outlook – 09.03.2022 Europe has been shaken by galloping gas prices in recent months, leading to financial and socio-political instability in the Old World. There are several reasons for this, one of them being the politics of domestic European speculators, who wanted to get rich quick when, as a […]

Feds Secretly Paid Media to Promote COVID Shots

By Megan Redshaw | The Defender | March 9, 2022 The Biden administration made direct payments to nearly all major corporate media outlets to deploy a $1 billion taxpayer-funded outreach campaign designed to push only positive coverage about COVID-19 vaccines and to censor any negative coverage. Media outlets across the nation failed to disclose the federal government as the source of ads in news reports […]

The “Israel Lobby”: Facts and Myths

Swiss Policy Research  Updated: March 2022 Languages: English / German High-quality documentaries and reports on the role of the “Israel Lobby” in politics and the media. Note: This compendium does not advocate anti-Jewish or anti-Israel positions. General/Politics 🎥 The Lobby — USA (Investigative documentary, Al Jazeera, 180 min., 2018; more) 📰 Israel and Internet Censorship (Alison Weir, The Ron Unz Review, 2018; video) 🎥 Netanyahu […]