United States

CovertAction Bulletin: Building Social Media Inspired by Openness & Transparency

While most social media platforms spy on us, manipulate our emotions with hidden algorithms, feed our data to governments on request and censor with no notice or transparency, can there be an alternative that’s friendly for everyone to use? We talk with John Kiriakou and Sean O’Brien about Pancake, a new messaging technology being built to address that question...

Finally, A School that Teaches Kids to Protest War and Support Peace

The Maine-Endwell School District in Upstate New York Set a Wonderful Precedent By Hosting a Peace Day on September 21 Children around the world need to be taught that killing brothers and sisters, and fellow humans anywhere is murder and should never be allowed.  In the United States, the vast majority of teachers hide that […]

With All Other Reasons Having Run Out, Biden Now Urging Support For Ukraine War on Spurious Economic Grounds

With Ukraine’s global image having taken a hit because of its identification with Naziism along with the failings of its summer counteroffensive, the Biden White House is now urging lawmakers in both parties, according to Politico, to sell the war effort in Ukraine as a job creator and economic stimulus in the U.S. In an […]

The World Say NO to US Blockade of Cuba

At the United Nations this week, the world community has overwhelmingly spoken out against the relentless U.S. embargo on Cuba. Yet President Biden remains unmoved, stubbornly clinging to the anachronic policies that are deliberately and systematically causing harm to the well-being of more than 11 million Cubans. Despite the world’s condemnation of the blockade every […]

Quarter of Americans Know Someone Killed by Covid Vaccines, Nearly Half Would Join Lawsuit – Poll

A quarter of Americans know someone killed by the Covid vaccines and nearly half of Americans would join a major class-action lawsuit against the pharmaceutical companies, a new poll has found.
The post Quarter of Americans Know Someone Killed by Covid Vaccines, Nearly Half Would Join Lawsuit – Poll appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Will David Again Slay Goliath?

A Palestinian boy living on Israel’s West Bank rolled a rubber truck tire toward an already burning fire. Wearing a mud-smeared T-shirt and a determined expression, he dumped the tire and ran for another. “There’s my column,” I said to my wife, Stephanie, pointing to the TV screen as we watched morning BBC news. “Him, […]
The post Will David Again Slay Goliath? first appeared on CovertAction Magazine.

Gaza: Where is Hezbollah?

Following the spectacular “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation launched by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, the army of occupation has inflicted an unprecedented level of massacre and destruction on its defenseless civilian population, trapped in the world’s largest concentration camp. While Israel’s official stated aim is the annihilation of the Palestinian resistance, its unofficial objective seems to […]

War Looks Just as War Looks: Dismal and Ugly

Sangho Lee (South Korea), Long for Korean Reunification, 2014. It is impossible to look away from what the Israeli government is doing to Palestinians not only in Gaza, but also in the West Bank. Waves of Israeli aircraft pummel Gaza, destroying communications networks and thereby preventing families from reaching each other, journalists from reporting on […]