United States

Korea: Colonized, Plundered, Divided, Devastated by War, under Ongoing Threat of War

The War on Korea (1950-53) was suspended with an armistice agreement. A hostile truce has persisted ever since. With respect to that ongoing confrontation, what Americans get from their government and their news mass media abounds with crucial omissions and misleading distortions resulting in a false portrayal of the geopolitical realities. Relevant history and essential facts. The Fight […]

How NewsGuard Works With the U.S. Government to Censor the Internet

NewsGuard has established itself as a major force in the mass-censorship of online dissent, working with the U.S. Government and others to discredit and demonetise websites that question official information.
The post How NewsGuard Works With the U.S. Government to Censor the Internet appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

What Happened to the Liberals?

A New Biography of Frank Church Sheds Light on a Lost Breed of Liberal Crusader Whose Investigation into the Abuses of the Intelligence Agencies Resonates Today In his 1966 song “Love Me, I’m a Liberal,” Phil Ochs mocked the pretensions of liberal Democrats of his era who supported the purge of communists from the AFL-CIO; […]
The post What Happened to the Liberals? first appeared on CovertAction Magazine.

CovertAction Bulletin: Media Lies, Palestinians Die

Malcolm X might have said it best: “The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing”...

New Investigation Exposes CIA Role in 1975 Coup Against Australian Government which Wanted to Remove U.S. Spy Base

British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Queen Elizabeth and U.S. President Gerald Ford Sanctioned an Operation to Bring Left-Leaning Prime Minister Gough Whitlam Down by Having an Arms Company and Bank Run by CIA Assets Trick His Deputy Prime Minister into Accepting an Illegal Loan Danny Casolaro was a maverick investigative reporter who was on the […]

Play Commemorating 60th Anniversary of JFK Assassination Recreates Interrogation of Oswald by Dallas Police Captain William Fritz

Was Lee Harvey Oswald a “Lone Nut”? “Lone Gunman”? “Hitman”? “Conspirator”? Or, As He Claimed, “A Patsy”? To try to get the answers to the above questions about the man accused of shooting President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, I attended a reading at Theatre 40 in Beverly Hills of Dennis Richard’s gripping docu-play Oswald—The Actual Interrogation, […]

The Intelligence Community’s Latest Novelty, Spy Underwear, Puts Us Closer to the Totalitarian Dystopia Described in Science Fiction Novels

In 1921, just after the Russian Revolution, Yevgeny Zamyatin published a dystopian science fiction novel, We, in which a spacecraft engineer lives in a futuristic city made of glass enabling government authorities to track everything that people do at every moment of the day. The novel influenced George Orwell and Aldous Huxley who wrote prophetic […]

Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow US Blueprint

Girl holds improvised white flag, to tell Israel to respect Geneva Conventions and spare her fleeing family. Photo credit: Yasser Qudih We have both been reporting on and protesting against U.S. war crimes for many years, and against identical crimes committed by U.S. allies and proxies like Israel and Saudi Arabia: illegal uses of military […]