United States

Most of the “Fact-Checking” Organizations Facebook Uses in Ukraine Are Directly Funded by Washington

In light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an information war as bitter as the ground fighting has erupted, and Meta (Facebook’s official name) announced it had partnered with nine organizations to help it sort fact from fiction.
The post Most of the “Fact-Checking” Organizations Facebook Uses in Ukraine Are Directly Funded by Washington appeared first on MintPress News.

When Did the CIA Start Pulling the Strings of Canada’s Political Policies?

What are Canadian warships doing in the ultra-sensitive South China Sea? News of Canadian patrol ships traveling through the South China Sea and being buzzed by Chinese warplanes a few weeks ago—pushing the world another chilling step closer to a World War III-level confrontation—has brought to light the unpublicized issue of Canadian government participation in […]

UNCLOAKED: Canada’s “Jekyll-and-Hyde” Masquerade as Nation that Supposedly Supports Pacifism and Progressive Principles

Actually One of the World’s Top Military Spenders and Joined at the Hip to America’s Murderous Militarist Empire How Canada’s military-industrial complex sucks up to and serves the American one [This article is the first of three this week exposing Canada’s ties to the U.S. empire and debunking the myth of Canada as a peaceful […]

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales Calls For a Global Campaign to Eliminate NATO

In interview with British journalist, Morales says the U.S. uses NATO to provoke wars and sell weapons. U.S./UK-backed coup against him in 2019 was undertaken for lithium and because his government advanced an alternative economic model to the neoliberal “Washington Consensus” In an interview with British journalist Matt Kennard at his home in El Trópico, […]

Washington is the Problem, Not the Solution

To judge US President Joe Biden’s recent visit to Israel and Palestine as a ‘failure’ in terms of activating the dormant ‘peace process’ is simply a misnomer. For this statement to be accurate, Washington would have had to indicate even a nominal desire to push for negotiations between the Israeli government and the Palestinian leadership. […]
The post Washington is the Problem, Not the Solution first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Washington is the Problem, Not the Solution: Why Mahmoud Abbas is Seeking New ‘Powerful’ Sponsors

Even if, supposedly, China, Russia or India would agree to be the new sponsors of the ‘peace process’, there is no reason for Tel Aviv to engage in future negotiations, when it is able to achieve its colonial objectives with full American support.
The post Washington is the Problem, Not the Solution: Why Mahmoud Abbas is Seeking New ‘Powerful’ Sponsors appeared first on MintPress News.

CovertAction Bulletin – Surveillance Nation: From Amazon to the NSA

Amazon wants to be your retailer, educator, grocery store, security system, bank and now your healthcare provider: A few days ago, reports came out that the tech giant is looking to buy One Medical for $4 billion, its latest foray into the healthcare business. At the same time, Amazon provides law enforcement with easy access to massive amounts of data and the tools to parse it. Of course it’s not just Amazon: Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter and every big tech company obey the basic law of capitalism: grow or perish. They all rely on one shared resource: our data.