United States

UAVs Used in Ukraine Are Manufactured in Russia, West Inventing Fake Pretext – Polyanskiy

Samizdat – 20.10.2022 Drones being used by Russian military forces in Ukraine are wholly manufactured in Russia, Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyanskiy stressed to reporters after allegations surfaced that Iran was providing UAVs to Moscow. “UAV used by the Russian army in Ukraine are manufactured in Russia,” Polyanskiy said on Wednesday, adding […]

‘Insane’: Boston Researchers Create ‘More Lethal’ Strain of COVID, Prompting Calls to Shut Down Risky Gain-of-Function Research

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. | The Defender | October 18, 2022 A team of 14 scientists at Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL) developed a new strain of COVID-19 that killed 80% of the mice infected with the virus in a laboratory setting, according to a preprint study published Oct. 14. Following the announcement, numerous news stories about the […]

US May Be Compelled to Answer Questions on Biolabs in Ukraine, This Time at UNSC

Samizdat – 19.10.2022 The issue of US biolabs in Ukraine has once again received wide international publicity. On October 18, Belarus, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Syria, and Russia called for invoking Article VI of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) because of US military and biological activities in Ukraine. Article VI of the Biological Weapons […]

Organized Chaos in South Central, Los Angeles

BY DANIEL NUCCIO | BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE | OCTOBER 19, 2022 The LAPD’s 77th Division in South Central serves what some officers consider “pretty much the most violent area of the entire city and county of Los Angeles,” explained Officer Charles Simmering in a phone interview. “You’re just running and gunning all night. You’re just running. There’s […]

The United States and Britain continue secret biological research in Central Asia

By Vladimir Platov – New Eastern Outlook – 19.10.2022  Despite numerous publications about military research in secret US biology laboratories in the post-Soviet space and demands to place their activities under strict international control, there is, unfortunately, no qualitative improvement of the situation in this matter. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the recent 22nd Meeting […]

‘Profiles of the Vaccine-Injured’: New CHD Book Exposes Life-Changing Impact of Vaccine Injuries

The Defender – October 17, 2022 Governments, public health experts and the media have so often repeated the false claims that vaccine injuries are “rare,” “almost nonmeasurable” or “one in a million,” that many people believe them — until they experience an injury. The controlled messaging — together with censorship of vaccine injury stories in the public […]

Tehran breaching nuclear deal with drone supplies to Russia – US

Samizdat | October 18, 2022 The US on Monday accused Iran of breaching the conditions of the 2015 nuclear deal with the West by selling ‘kamikaze’ drones to Russia. Moscow stated that it is only using “Russian hardware.” Russia has used autonomous loitering munitions to devastating effect in its attacks on Ukrainian military and energy infrastructure […]