United States

Food and Toilets: The Collective West’s Weapons

One of several multiple million criminals, but he keeps on ticking like that Times watch: My previous post, “Incredible, Unbearable, Incomprehensible Lightness of Wanting to Be Human . . . That Way!” was much more holistically positive, but we need to talk straight sometimes. Is this even on a scale of what is inhumane, or […]
The post Food and Toilets: The Collective West’s Weapons first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Wicked Leaks, Part 2: How the Media Quarantined Evidence on BP and Cancer in Iraq

In Part 1, we described how state-corporate media non-reporting of evidence relating to the sabotage of the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines on September 26 was an example of how the truth on key issues is increasingly being quarantined from public awareness by ‘mainstream’ media. At first sight, our second example might appear to contradict […]

Bolsonaro Implements Policies that are Completely Subservient to U.S. government, Says Director of Brazilian Data Privacy Group

Inauguration of a Fusion Center of Multinational Intelligence gathering located next to the pristine Iguaçu Falls—a long-held dream of the U.S. Embassy—is a case in point “The U.S. has been a huge partner to Brazil in this project and others as well and we’re taking advantage of the model that has been built” —Sergio Moro, […]

The MSM’s cancer ‘cure’ stories are bio-firm hype, not hope

By Guy Hatchard | TCW Defending Freedom | October 26, 2022 GLOBALISED mainstream media equates not just with a uniform, poorly-informed world, but a manipulated world. In Britain, the Times runs a story entitled: After centuries of cut, burn and poison, could a jab cure cancer? by Tom Whipple. Eleven thousand miles away in New Zealand, the same story […]

Haiti: The “Gardeners” are Coming Back to the “Jungle”

Coups-d’etat, U.N. “humanitarian” massacres, a President assassinated by U.S.-trained, Colombian mercenaries, earthquakes, cholera… and even the “aid” of the Clinton Foundation! Now, the country ravaged by decades of natural and man-made disasters braces itself for a new “humanitarian” military invasion. ***** In a recent speech, Josep Borrel, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign […]

Seventh Nuclear Test? How US and Its Asian Allies are Driving North Korea Into a Corner

By Ekaterina Blunova – Samizdat – 27.10.2022 The US, Japan, and South Korea vowed an “unparalleled” response to a potential seventh nuclear test by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). However, the countries’ officials did not clarify precisely what measures they would take. “This deterrence through threat of punishment by Washington and its allies […]

Abandon the Fetish for ‘Unconditional Surrender’

By Ryan McMaken | The Libertarian Institute | October 27, 2022 On Monday, thirty members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus called on the Biden administration to pursue a negotiated peace settlement or cease-fire with Ukraine. The letter from the Progressive Caucus is careful to praise the administration for its ongoing efforts to fund Kyiv’s war […]