United States

Can US Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East?

Protesters wave Palestinian, Lebanese, and Hezbollah flags and hold a picture of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah during a Palestine solidarity rally in Lebanon. (Credit: GETTY IMAGES) While Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has been frantically shuttling around the Middle East trying to stop the Israeli conflict in Gaza from exploding into a regional war, the […]
The post Can US Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Sovereignty Surrendered: Subordinating Australia’s Defence Industry

One could earn a tidy sum the number of times the word “sovereignty” has been uttered or mentioned in public statements and briefings by the Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. But such sovereignty has shown itself to be counterfeit.  The net of dependency and control is being increasingly tightened around Australia, be it in terms […]

The Political Inquisition of Rashida Tlaib

Another example of the United States, as an empire, fully supporting Israel in its attempted genocide against Palestinians was decided with the vote to censure Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) on November 7, 2023. Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, had the courage to call out Israel for its militaristic debacle in Gaza, as well as the West Bank, […]

CovertAction Bulletin: Students Lead the Way for Palestine

On November 26, three young Palestinian men were shot in Burlington, Vermont. Hisham Awartani, a junior at Brown University, released a statement that was read at a campus vigil saying, “This hideous crime did not happen in a vacuum. As much as I appreciate the love of every single one of you here today, I am but one casualty in a much wider conflict.” ...

Ben Gurion Canal: US Supports Israel’s Gaza War Over A Trade Route

The US and Israel have been planning the construction of brand new trade routes, which are only possible through normalization agreements signed between Tel Aviv and the Arab World. So, what is the Ben Gurion Canal, India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, and why is this so important to Washington's considerations when backing the current Israeli onslaught on Gaza?

“Is That Orwellian Or Kafkaesque Enough For You?”

The Guardian has long promoted itself as a valiant publisher of news and analysis that holds the powerful to account. It is a thing of wonder that the Guardian appends the following comment beneath news pieces: Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away […]
The post “Is That Orwellian Or Kafkaesque Enough For You?” first appeared on Dissident Voice.

A New Mood in the World Will Put an End to the Global Monroe Doctrine

Tagreed Darghouth (Lebanon), from the series The Tree Within, a Palestinian Olive Tree, 2018. Every day since 7 October has felt like an International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, with hundreds of thousands gathering in Istanbul, a million in Jakarta, and then yet another million across Africa and Latin America to demand an end to the brutal attack being carried out by […]

“There’s Something Rotten in Denmark”: Frank Olson and the Macabre Fate of a CIA Whistleblower in the Early Cold War

“Frank Olson is flying and it’s a long way down” – David Clewell, “CIA in Wonderland.” In September 1994, the NBC hit show Unsolved Mysteries aired an episode on Dr. Frank Olson, a CIA biochemist at the Fort Detrick laboratory on germ warfare. Olson had supposedly jumped to his death from the 13th floor of […]

What If the Constitution No Longer Applied? Freedom’s Greatest Hour of Danger Is Now

John & Nisha Whitehead “What if the rights and principles guaranteed in the Constitution have been so distorted in the past 200 years as to be unrecognizable by the Founders? What if the government was the reason we don’t have a Constitution anymore? What if freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now?” Andrew P. Napolitano We …

Contrary to Dominant Folklore, Evidence Indicates that, Like Oswald, John Wilkes Booth Was Part of Wider Conspiracy

In popular lore, John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, was the first lone deranged gunman—preceding Lee Harvey Oswald. A stage actor from a famous theatrical family from Maryland and Confederate sympathizer who was as “handsome as a Greek God,”[1] Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the head while Lincoln and his wife, […]