United States Institute of Peace

Recent House Foreign Affairs Testimony Lifts the Skirt on US Plans for Syria

In the search to find exactly what American policy, interests and objectives are in Syria, one can refer to the United States Institute of Peace (“USIP”), which was established by Congress in 1984. According to Mona Yacoubian, a USIP Senior Advisor on Syria, the Middle East and North Africa, the USIP seeks “to prevent and resolve violent conflicts abroad, in accordance with US national interests and values”.

America Goes to War

Fighting Russia, China and al-Qaeda simultaneously requires more money By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • November 6, 2018 Some believe that the Cold War ended in 1991, when the Soviet Union fell apart. In retrospect, many observers also believe that a golden opportunity was missed to heal the wounds inflicted by over 45 years […]

‘War is Peace’: US Neocons Urge Washington to Flood Ukraine With Weapons

Sputnik – 06.08.2015 American hawks are calling upon the US government to “flood” Ukraine with weapons because they are more concerned about their own wallets than about European security, US journalist Lee Fang points out. Although the United States Institute of Peace and its chairman Stephen Hadley profess that they promote international peace through nonviolent […]