Trump and His Stooges Prefer Aggression to Cooperation With the Wider World

At this time of all times, when the world is staggering from the shattering effects of the Coronavirus pandemic, it would be sensible for nations to pull together in order to devise policies and practicalities to counter and defeat the devastation that is taking place and seems likely to increase. Now is the time for cooperation, compromise and mutual assistance in all spheres of medical research and in devising protective measures which can be emplaced and enforced with the minimum of dislocation.

The UK and U.S. Are Starting a New Cold War With Russia and China, So What Are These Governments Trying to Hide?

The new Cold War launched by the West against China and Russia is escalating by the day. In a single week, the Kremlin has been unmasked trying to discover the secrets of Britain’s pursuit of a vaccine against coronavirus and revelations are promised about covert Russian interference in British politics. Boris Johnson made a U-turn on Huawei, announcing that it is to be kicked out of participation in the 5G network because it poses a threat to British security, though a curiously slow-burning one since they will only be evicted over seven years.

Don’t Even Try to Make Sense of Lockdown Rules in the ‘United’ Kingdom

Prime Minister Boris Johnson holding a Covid-19 press briefing, London, June 16, 2020. Britain currently has the highest death rate from the virus in Europe, and the writer says that navigating the mishmash of lockdown rules in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland has been “greatly frustrating and confusing.” PIPPA FOWLES/NO. 10 DOWNING STREET

Meet the Venezuelan coup regime’s ‘UK ambassador,’ a pampered US heiress who threatens journalists

Juan Guaidó’s UK representative, a jet-setting US socialite named Vanessa Neumann, has threatened journalists with FBI investigations for reporting on…
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