Julian Assange’s Political Indictment: Old Wine in Older Bottles

The book of hours on Julian Assange is now being written.  But the scribes are far from original.  Repeated rituals of administrative hearings that have no common purpose other than to string things out before the axe are being enacted.  Of late, the man most commonly associated with WikiLeaks’ publication project cannot participate in any meaningful way, largely because of his frail health and the dangers posed to him by the coronavirus.  Having already made an effort to attend court proceedings in person, Assange has come across as judicial exotica, freak show fodder for Judge Vanessa Bar

Post-Brexit Agrochemical Apocalypse for the UK?

The British government, regulators and global agrochemical corporations are colluding with each other and are thus engaging in criminal behaviour. That’s the message put forward in a new report written by environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason and sent to the UK Environment Agency. It follows her January 2019 open letter to Werner Baumann, CEO of Bayer CropScience, where she made it clear to him that she considers Bayer CropScience and Monsanto criminal corporations.

VIDEO: If Anyone is Involved in Forcing Nations to Pick Sides it is Pompeo and His State Department

China is “making” Europe choose between a “free world” and an “authoritarian vision”, said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to his European counterparts. But is it really China forcing the world to make moral “choices” at the barrel of a soft power gun? Watch the video and read more in the Editorial article.

Pompeo on Ungainly Cold War Mission to Europe

American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had a flying visit to Europe this week during which he wielded hostile jibes against China and Russia using anachronistic Cold War rhetoric.
It is obvious Washington is trying to divide the world into “us and them” with such polarizing policy. But this ungainly American policy is bound to fail because it does not match the realities of today’s world.