Rachel Riley Libel Ruling is the Latest Judicial Attack on Political Speech

Giving judges the power to settle quite unremarkable, daily political speech confrontations on social media is a recipe for hollowing out the right to express a critical opinion in the main public squares of the digital age.
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Coming This 2022: Refugees, Democracy and Human Rights

Although 2021 is now behind us, there are many issues that will linger for a while, or much longer, and will certainly dominate much of the news in 2022, as well. These are but a few of the issues. NATO-Russian Brinkmanship  Exasperated with NATO expansion and growing ambitions in the Black Sea region, Moscow has […]
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Sir Tony Blair: Bloody Knight of the Realm

Awards and honours bestowed by States or private committees, republican or monarchical, are bound to be corrupted by considerations of hypocrisy, racketeering and general, chummy disposition.  From the Nobel Peace Prize to the range of eccentric and esoteric orders bestowed each year in Britain by Her Majesty, diddling and manipulating is never far behind.  You […]
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Canada’s Head-of-State Honors a War Criminal

The only place I want to hear him speak is in the dock at the Hague at the International Criminal Court facing trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. — George Galloway, former British MP and the director of The Killing$ of Tony Blair Canada’s head of state, also the queen of Canada, has […]
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Britain helped create the refugees it now wants to keep out

The deaths of at least 27 people who drowned as they tried to cross the Channel in an inflatable dinghy in search of asylum have quickly been overshadowed by a diplomatic row engulfing Britain and France. As European states struggle to shut their borders to refugees, the two countries are in a war of words […]
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Ethiopia: Historic Battle for the Mother of Africa

The outrage felt by Ethiopians at the Western-backed terrorist attack on their country is spreading across the Horn of Africa and parts of the continent more widely.  A great movement of solidarity is emerging as Ethiopia’s neighbors, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Kenya join hands, standing together against terror, imperial interference and mainstream media lies and misinformation. […]

The Combating Islamophobia Act: On Hate Crimes and “Irrational Fears”   

The result of a vote, on December 14, in the US House of Representatives regarding the combating of Islamophobia, may possibly appear to be a positive sign of change, that Washington is finally confronting this socio-political evil. However, conclusions must not be too hasty. Disquietingly, Congress was nearly split on the vote. While 219 voted in […]

Double Standards: The UK-Australian Free Trade Agreement

Any agreement between governments led by the UK’s Boris Johnson and Australia’s Scott Morrison must be treated with a healthy dose of suspicion.  A few minutes with the UK prime minister would lead you to believe that “Global Britain” is a meaningful term that covers loss and prestige.  A session with Morrison will lead you […]
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Forbidden Parties: Boris Johnson’s Law on Illegal Covid Gatherings

It was meant to be time to reflect. The eager arms of a new pandemic were enfolding a society with asphyxiating, lethal effect.  Public health authorities advocated various measures: social distancing, limited contact between family and friends, limited mobility.  No grand booze-ups.  No large parties.  No bonking, except within dispensations of intimacy and various “bubble” […]

Journalism, Assange and Reversal in the High Court

British justice is advertised by its proponents as upright, historically different to the savages upon which it sought to civilise, and apparently fair.  Such outrages as the unjust convictions of the Guilford Four and Maguire Seven, both having served time in prison for terrorist offences they did not commit, are treated as blemishes. In recent […]
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