Your $1.7 billion of gold is now ours, UK tells starving Venezuelans

n its prolonged freezing of Venezuelan assets, the UK continues to withhold 31 tons of its gold stored at the Bank of England, with a new Supreme Court ruling supporting the seizure. The recent decision, CNN reported, “ruled that recognition of heads of state and government was solely the responsibility of the British government, which had recognized [opposition leader Juan] Guaidó as […]

US Doesn’t Care for China’s Muslims: Boycotting the Olympics is about Global Competition

The diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games may go down in history as the official start of the cold war between the US, a handful of its allies and China. The American strategy, however, of using boycotts to pressure Beijing in the name of ‘human rights’, may prove costly in the […]

Which TV doctor Has Been Named by Law Firm in Letter to Cressida Dick Re Police Investigation Into Covid Jabs?

As reported on this site, PJH Law, the law firm involved in providing ‘huge’ amounts of evidence to Hammersmith CID regarding the live investigation into the Covid jabs (case number 6029679/21) has sent a letter to Cressida Dick, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, cc’ing in several relevant parties including the International Association of Chiefs of Police and Interpol. Mentioned in […]

Law Firm’s Letter to Met Police Re Covid Vaccine Investigation: Full Text

PJH Law, The law firm involved in providing huge amounts of evidence to Hammersmith CID regarding the live investigation into the Covid jabs has sent a letter to Cressida Dick, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, and cc’ing in several relevant individuals (scroll down to view). The law firm forcefully urges action and requests an appointment to hand in ‘irrefutable’ evidence […]

Off to the Supreme Court: Assange’s Appeal Continues

With December’s High Court decision to overturn the lower court ruling against the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States, lawyers of the WikiLeaks founder immediately got busy.  The next avenue of appeal, strewn less with gold than obstacles, would be to the Supreme Court.  The central question remained: Should the publisher be extradited […]

Protest at London’s Science Museum as Indigenous Peoples Slam Adani Sponsorship Deal

Local people look out on to the massive PEKB coal mine that has taken over their lands, Chhattisgarh, India. © Pranav Capila Photo opportunity: January 26, 2022, 5pm – 6pm Science Museum, Exhibition Rd, South Kensington, LONDON SW7 2DD Protestors will gather outside the Science Museum in London on Wednesday to call for an end […]

Nostalgia at the AUKMIN Talks: Britain’s Forces Eye Australia

Give the man credit where it’s due.  Few could possibly be congratulated for selling the sovereignty of a country in full view of its citizenry, but Peter Dutton, former Queensland copper turned sadistic Home Affairs minister turned Defence Minister, is very capable of it.  Australia promises to become a throbbing bordello for the strategic affairs […]

No 10 lockdown parties: Why the media are complicit

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s head is on the chopping block. Each day, the media digs up more embarrassing details of parties hosted at his No 10 residence or other government buildings, in flagrant violation of strict lockdown rules enforced on the rest of the country. Ostensibly, the current furore creates the impression that Britain […]

The State’s Celebration of Lies and Punishment of Truth

Julian Assange once said that if wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth. Assange suffered immeasurably, with Britain and America taking him away for revealing facts about US war crimes in Iraq, while notorious Iraq War liar Tony Blair was knighted. “Sir” Tony Blair may now be paraded around as […]
The post The State’s Celebration of Lies and Punishment of Truth first appeared on Dissident Voice.

One Drinks Party Too Many: Boris Johnson and Breaching Lockdowns

It might not be quite within the bounds of good taste to compare military calculations of a bridge too far – the title used in Cornelius Ryan’s work on the disastrous Allied airborne operation during the Second World War – with the latest foolish, mendacious and buffoonish efforts of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but […]