UK Column – June 9, 2016 – Brexit Fear Porn, Gitmo Alumni, UN Corrupted by Saudis

21st Century Wire says…
Anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest co-presenter Patrick Henningsen to discuss today’s key stories – UK Brexit fear porn and reports of “voter registration glitches”, and MI6 battles the CPS over the rendition of Libyan double agent Abdel Hakim Belhaj, Ban Ki-Moon collapsing the UN under an avalanche of corruption, and how the US owns and operates the ‘British’ nuclear Trident deterrent – and much more…

UK Column News – June 8, 2016 – Farage-Cameron Faux Brexit Debate, Saudi Blacklist & More

21st Century Wire says…
UK Column News anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest co-host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE to discuss the top news stories this week in the UK and internationally, including the recent ITV Farage-Cameron faux ‘Brexit debate’, Saudi Arabia on a UN human rights blacklist, and predictable Establishment fear-mongering over Brexit and Northern Ireland.

Netanyahu: UN Gaza probe should be ‘shelved’

MEMO | February 3, 2015 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday said that a probe by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) into last year’s Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip should be shelved in light of the recent resignation of inquiry commission head William Schabas. “After the resignation of the committee chairman, who […]

The real story of the UN Human Rights Council: Europe slams Israeli crimes

by Ben White
(MEMO) – Last week, Israel found itself isolated and condemned in Geneva, as the United Nations Human Rights Council passed four damning resolutions, each by 46-1. The resolutions testify to grave violations of international law, including the Geneva Conventions, as well as systematic discrimination and wide-scale human rights abuses.