
AG Barr finally breaks with Big Lie gaslighting

United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|June 28, 2021 Reports suggest that in June 2020, Trump was prepared to trigger Insurrection Act to command federal troops against racial justice protesters and immigrant workers. Today’s meeting of Trump Organization lawyers with Manhattan prosecutors said to bring charges closer. In a major reversal, Trump’s [...]

Pentagon Papers Failed to Stop Media Kowtowing

Mike Gravel passed away on June 26.  He was one of the unsung heroes of the Pentagon Papers, the only U.S. senator who had the courage to champion the Pentagon Papers that destroyed the credibility of American foreign policy. R.I.P. to a politician tough enough to flog Leviathan. Consortium News, June 28, 2021 Pentagon Papers […]
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Angela Morgan: Whether to yield in meekness to War’s devouring curse

==== Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts American writers on peace and against war Women writers on peace and war Angela Morgan: Selections on war and peace ==== Angela MorganResurgam Out of the graves, a Summons;Out of the ruins, a Voice: –”O children of men‘Tis the hour againOf earth’s primeval choiceWhether to drift supinelyWhere […]

French Translations of Conspiracy Theory and Extremism Articles

Here are a couple recent articles translated into French. The “conspiracy theory” article was first published by the American Conservative and reposted by Zero Hedge.  The second article, on Extremism, was first published by the Future of Freedom Foundation and republished by Consortium News. La comédie de la « théorie du complot » par   James Bovard […]

Withdrawal From Afghanistan Must Continue: Afghan Government’s Potential Collapse Is Another Reason To Leave

The Biden administration continues its military withdrawal from Afghanistan. Opposition from the U.S. foreign policy establishment known as "the Blob" is fierce. Most Washington policymakers would have American military personnel stay in Afghanistan forever, or at least until the Second Coming, plus a few extra years, just to be safe.

The Iron Fist Is in Place: Azerbaijan’s War – an Historical Parallel

“We are the winning country. We have destroyed Armenia.” On June 26, president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev gave an address on his nation’s Armed Forces Day that in terms of tone and content can’t help inviting comparison to the speeches of a national leader of the last century. Aliyev, identified on his web site as … Continue reading "The Iron Fist Is in Place: Azerbaijan’s War – an Historical Parallel"

Benjamin Musser: Paradox

==== Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts American writers on peace and against war ==== Benjamin MusserParadox We are a regiment, whose martial cryIs the cry of peace! Above war’s puppet deadOur avenging banner trails above the sky,Till the sky itself streams red. For each bewildered soldier flung to your foe,For every godlike […]

A sea of troubles for Trump GOP!

Reports suggest NY charges against Trump Organization are imminent; Rudy Giuliani’s law license suspended by New York State Appellate Division pending hearing on his disbarment; Pelosi to create House select committee to probe January 6 putsch: 500 defendants await their day in court; Reported Oval Office ravings ranged from cracked skulls to incarceration at Gitmo [...]