
US wins Tokyo Olympics, defeating medal surge by China

United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|August 9, 2021 Breaking: Senate moves infrastructure and job bill forward with 18 GOP votes and final passage expected Tuesday; Democrats launch $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation resolution, but fail to deal with illegal debt limit; Yellen urges Congress to “suspend or increase” ceiling ASAP; McConnell threatens [...]

US-Cuban Relations: How It All Got Started

Although Fidel Castro would eventually become a Soviet allied communist, and although the US ultimatum to Cuba would eventually take the form of the often repeated mantra that there were only two non-negotiable demands, that Cuba cut ties with the Soviet Union, and that they stop supporting leftist movements in the hemisphere, that’s not how … Continue reading "US-Cuban Relations: How It All Got Started"

Naval Flotilla to Nowhere: Europe Won’t Fight China To Save America

The U.S. has turned to Europe to help contain the People’s Republic of China. However, expecting nations which aren’t much interested in defending themselves to take on Xi Jinping’s ever more aggressive communist state is a forlorn hope at best. NATO’s members refuse to arm against Russia. Most European governments, including of Germany, Italy, and … Continue reading "Naval Flotilla to Nowhere: Europe Won’t Fight China To Save America"

US Foreign Policy Adrift: Why Washington No Longer Calls the Shots

Jonah Goldberg and Michael Ledeen have much in common. They are both writers and also cheerleaders for military interventions and, often, for frivolous wars. Writing in the conservative rag, The National Review, months before the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Goldberg paraphrased a statement which he attributed to Ledeen with reference to the interventionist … Continue reading "US Foreign Policy Adrift: Why Washington No Longer Calls the Shots"

Biden program delivers 943,000 jobs in January, cutting jobless rate to 5.4%; Student loans stay frozen until January!

After 18 Republican Senators vote to advance trillion-dollar infrastructure bill, Hagerty of Tennessee emerges as leader of GOP delaying op! After series of primary defeats for ultra-left Democrats, time for realistic message discipline and an end to fratricide; Breaking: Cuomo lawyer Rita Glavin dismantles shoddy and biased ex parte attack on governor; report gets key [...]