
Afghanistan Collapse Reveals Beltway Media’s Loyalty to Permanent War State

Reprinted from The Grayzone with the author’s permission. In the wake of a remarkably successful Taliban offensive capped by the takeover of Kabul, the responses of corporate media provided what may have been the most dramatic demonstration ever of its fealty to the Pentagon and military leadership. The media did so by mounting a full-throated … Continue reading "Afghanistan Collapse Reveals Beltway Media’s Loyalty to Permanent War State"

Why US Negotiations Always Fail

From Cuba to Korea, from Iran to Russia and Palestine, there is a long history of failed negotiations and wasted time. The negotiations are all different, but a clear pattern establishes the reason why all of them fail. In each case, US negotiations fail because the interlocutor nation cannot trust that the US really wants … Continue reading "Why US Negotiations Always Fail"

Biden ends Afghan war after two decades of needless, futile warfare promoted by neocon Blob!

United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|August 30, 2021 US-NATO airlift rescues over 125,000; Awareness grows of nefarious role of Trump and Miller in sabotaging humane and orderly withdrawal; US voters chose exit in 2006 by ending GOP Congress, but Biden is first president courageous enough to honor elections, not neocon Blob; [...]

Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End

Sunday’s news reports that the Biden Administration mistakenly killed nine members of one Afghan family, including six children, in “retaliation” for last week’s suicide attack which killed 13 US servicemembers, is a sad and sick epitaph on the 20 year Afghanistan war. Promising to “get tough” on ISIS, which suddenly re-emerged to take responsibility for … Continue reading "Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End"

Your Tax Dollars Used To Support Criminals, Warlords, and Child Molesters

What if I told you that for decades a significant portion of your tax dollars have been used to aid and support criminals, warlords, and child molesters as they perpetrated atrocities against their victims? This may sound like a fringe conspiracy theory but, in fact, these are the types of people whom your tax dollars … Continue reading "Your Tax Dollars Used To Support Criminals, Warlords, and Child Molesters"

Revelations of Carter’s Former Advisor : ‘Yes, the CIA entered Afghanistan before the Russians…’

The Brzezinski Interview with Le Nouvel Observateur (1998) Question: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs that the American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahiddin in Afghanistan six months before the Soviet intervention. In this period, you were the national security advisor to President Carter. You therefore played a key role in this affair. Is this […]