
Arizona election fraudit by cyber-nimrods ends in humiliating fiasco

Arizona election fraudit by cyber-nimrods ends in humiliating fiasco for MAGAts, confirming Biden win; On orders from Trump, Texas launches own fraudit; Pennsylvania GOP wants to intimidate all voters; Trump sponsors puppet secretaries of state he hopes will help him steal elections; Rep. Thompson’s House January 6 committee subpoenas Bannon, Meadows, Scavino, and Kashyap Patel; [...]

My Time with the FBI

Mises Institute, September 25, 2021 My Time with the FBI by James Bovard From the early 1990s onward, I was exposing FBI crimes, lies, and cover-ups. FBI director Louis Freeh publicly denounced me after I wrote a Wall Street Journal piece on the FBI’s killing of an innocent mother holding her baby at Ruby Ridge, […]
The post My Time with the FBI appeared first on James Bovard.

No Aloha for Assassin Drones That Have Arrived in Hawai’i

The world was horrified by Hellfire missile fired from a U.S. military drone that caused the August 29, 2021 deaths of ten innocent civilians, including seven children, in a family compound in downtown Kabul, Afghanistan. The photos of the bloodstained walls and the mangled white Toyota in the family compound in densely populated Kabul have … Continue reading "No Aloha for Assassin Drones That Have Arrived in Hawai’i"

Democrats Share Blame for Afghanistan

Joe Biden is taking heat from Democrats, not for his decision to withdraw from Afghanistan – that’s popular – but for his haphazard pullout that, self-serving Rumsfeldian stuff happens, wars end messily platitudes aside, could have been executed more efficiently. They blame George W. Bush for starting America’s longest war, arguing that what he began … Continue reading "Democrats Share Blame for Afghanistan"

A Parable of (All-American) Violence

Originally posted at TomDispatch. As a religious studies professor, I know a parable when I see one. Consider the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and the final events in this country’s war in Afghanistan as just such a parable taken directly from the history of our moment. The heart-wrenching last days of that war … Continue reading "A Parable of (All-American) Violence"

Who Represents Afghanistan: Genuine Activists vs. ‘Native Informants’

Scenes of thousands of Afghans flooding the Kabul International Airport to flee the country as Taliban fighters were quickly consolidating their control over the capital, raised many questions, leading amongst them: who are these people and why are they running away? In the US and other Western media, answers were readily available: they were mostly … Continue reading "Who Represents Afghanistan: Genuine Activists vs. ‘Native Informants’"

The Space Force Is Transforming the Final Frontier Into a Battlefield

With outer space being, as anyone over the age of 25 or so knows, the Final Frontier, is it any surprise that the Pentagon is rushing full speed ahead to turn it, against the general desire of almost everyone on Earth, into a battlefield? To borrow science fiction parlance, Afghanistan was a long time ago … Continue reading "The Space Force Is Transforming the Final Frontier Into a Battlefield"