ISIS to Launch False Flag Chemical Attack on Kurds To Frame Damascus

KurdIShIS: ISIS always helping the Kurds.  Always ready to serve when the coalition needs a hand to advance their agenda.Time and time again. Over and over and over and over.  Wash. Rinse. Repeat.How many ways can I say this is more of the same? And this news makes perfect sense considering all that has gone on, since 2011, with the Syrian destabilization. Don't worry, if they pull this off no serious harm will come to their symbiotic pals.. Though social media will claim otherwise- There will be videos.

Endeavour - Trudeau Buying The Canadian Media & Selling Global Compact for Migration - Hour 1

Canadian YouTuber Endeavour joins Henrik to discuss Justin Trudeau buying off the Canadian media and the push by the UN to get many nations to sign the Global Compact for Migration.
In the second part we discuss the "Yellow Vest" revolt in France and the catastrophic Brexit deal for the UK, while EU comes out of the negotiations getting everything they wanted.
A video version of this show is available here.

Khashoggi Case: A Massive PsyOp Concocted by CIA-MI6-Mossad

I've long been ambivalent about Sibel Edmonds- Here work has only appeared at the blog a few times.  An exception has been made for her latest report. In my opinion it's worth reading. She seems to have filled in some gaps in info. Sibel claims she is the only person who reported on the Egyptian wife- She’s not.I picked up the report from a media outlet just over two weeks ago -Foregone Conclusion: CIA says MBS Ordered Khashoggi Assassination & Another Wife Appears.

Syria & the Aleppo Chlorine Attack: LIHOP?

Here's hoping my readers are as open minded as I like to think they are?I'm aware this news broke last night and yes I did catch some of the earliest reports.The imminent use of "chemical weapons" from the demilitarized zone has been reported for quite some time now.  It's probably been mentioned here at least a half a dozen times. Considering the FACT that Iran, Russia and Turkey have Idlib surrounded it seems quite sensible they have a good handle on the going's on in that location. Not perfect. Not 100 percent. That's just not possible, in my opinion.