India /Pakistan Updates & Context From Abdullah

Perhaps my being a bit of a stickler for context is an issue for some readers?It shouldn’t be. Without a broader understanding, not saying one that is complete or all encompassing because that’s not possible, simply having a fuller grasp of any given situation, we'll avoid the appearance of wild accusations made for no good reason.Abdullah provided some all important context to this situation. He did not entirely dismiss the issue of Pakistan receiving military aid from the US. Nor did he deny the existence of terrorist groups on Pakistani soil.

India/Pakistan Heats Up- Is Trump/USA Needed to Keep Peace In Asia?

This morning there are claims and counter claims. Pakistan claims it shot down two Indian jets. India is denying Pakistan’s allegations.  Apparently there is video of an “angry mob” and some hapless pilot being rescued. ( I don’t put much stock in that type of ‘proof’ it’s too easy to fake)*9:00 am UPDATE: FAKE NEWS: Pakistan media's tweets about captured pilot is actually from Aero India show

‘Willing Pawns in Trump-Orchestrated Coup’: CODEPINK Disrupts Venezuela’s Illegitimate ‘US Ambassador’

CODEPINK activists disrupted an event with the right-wing Venezuelan coup regime’s “US ambassador” Carlos Vecchio, denouncing him for seeking “a…
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President al-Assad's Most Recent Speech- Eight Years Encapsulated

If you think I'm tough on the Usreael Kurds... Assad is tougher still. He's also quite clear on US responsibility for beginning the destabilization.. before 2011, of course, but officially 2011 is when it began. With the help, encouragement and support of Israel and Jordan.  Despite nonsense about the Syria destabilization having to do with climate change..