Trump admin. behaves ‘like thugs in a barrio’: Interview with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza

Exclusive interview: Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza comments on new US sanctions, the Trump administration’s coup efforts, the OAS, and…
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Venezuela UN ambassador: US gov. ‘psychologically manipulating’ public to support ‘colonial war’

Exclusive interview: Venezuela’s Ambassador to the United Nations Samuel Moncada speaks about the US-led coup attempt and violations of the…
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SitRep Syria: KurdIShIS/ Smuggling Syrian Oil for Usrael Arms/Idlib And Still More...

  Yes indeed the KurdIShIS special relationship is finally getting more attention. To which I can only say “It’s about time” people see what is right in front of their eyes!!  Not only is it about time, it’s long, long overdue.  I want to tip my hat to Scott at nomadic everyman who was the ONLY other blogger/truth teller who had caught on to the plain sight collusion between Kurds/ISIS, aside from myself.   This collusion has been well obfuscated by the media. Alt and mainstream.