Idlib Convoy Airstrike Won’t Rattle Turkish Russian Cooperation & "Chimerical "Attack in Ghouta?

 Finally back to Syria, keeping in mind the first casualty of war is always truth. Of course I saw all the media coverage regarding this most recent incident in Idlib  province and have a bunch of news items bookmarked. They'll be included throughout this report.  Still, I  prefer to tread carefully when addressing this news for the simple fact that there is a perception managing  media agenda that tends to promote specific ideas as follows:

Russia’s Sound Proposal for Gulf Peace

There is an eminently reasonable and feasible way to avoid conflict in the Persian Gulf, and to secure peace. The principles of multilateralism and international law must be adhered to. It seems almost astounding that one has to appeal for such obvious basic norms.
Fortunately, Russia has presented a roadmap for implementing a security concept in the vital waterway based on the above principles.

Is Turkey Burying Syria’s Revolution by Using Rebels Against YPG?

I’d say in a nutshell- no. Since the ‘revolution’ was  and has always been a proxy war fought on Syria’s territory.It's not a certainty that Turkey will attempt to move into eastern Syria on their own.  Doubtful anyone is except those with direct knowledge of the situation.There would have to be coordination and cooperation between Damascus and Iran, minimally. Possibly some friendly Iraqi militias?  Perhaps Russian coordination? JP

90 Scientist From Italy Sign Petition Opposing “Anthropogenic Global Warming” Sophistry

So the science isn't settled? Of course it isn't! The Italian petition is completely ignored by "The Establishment"(The Establishment is a dominant group or élite that holds power or authority in a nation or in an organisation: entrenched élite structure)The Establishment is not necessarily correct.  In fact I'd say it's rarely correct. If ever?

Libya’s never ending civil war…or is it?

Submitted by Richard Galustian… 
Ghassan Salame, the UN’s point man for Libya began his analysis and brief to the Security Council last week by emphasising that the armed conflict in Libya “shows no signs of abating”. He added “The war around Tripoli has already left nearly 1100 dead, including 106 civilians.  Hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes in the capital and neighbouring districts as a result of the fighting, tens of thousands crossing the border to Tunisia seeking safety for their families.”