The Duplicitous Agenda Endorsed by the UN and NATO

To the undiscerning, the United Nations (UN) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) perform different roles in the international arena. Yet both organisations have a common aim – the promotion of foreign intervention. While the UN promotes its humanitarian façade, NATO provides the militarisation of the UN’s purported human rights agenda.

Trump: “The Future Belongs to Patriots- Not to Globalists”

Submitted by Matthew Ehret:
Amidst the media headlines exclaiming that we are living through “the scandal of the century” over President Trump’s alleged intention to get to the bottom of Joe Biden’s illegal activities in the Ukrainian natural gas sector an impeachment probe has been unveiled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and led by the same growling pack of deep state hacks like Adam Schiff who failed at their previous attempts to prove that their last “scandal of the century” when Robert Mueller’s Russia probe turned into a goose egg.

It’s Past Time to Move the United Nations to Switzerland

With a dangerous right-wing and quasi-fascist administration in power in Washington, one that rejects internationalism and consensus-building, it is past time for the United Nations to move its headquarters and member states’ permanent missions to a more neutral location. One can understand why the UN was originally located in New York. The Rockefeller family donated the land on Turtle Bay on the East River for the construction of UN Headquarters.

Lavrov at UN General Assembly: China ‘alliance’ & call for US to rebuke neoliberalism (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov’s recently published article in the “Russia in Global Affairs” magazine entitled, “World at a Crossroads and a System of International Relations for the Future”, which provides the most up-to-date information on Russia’s foreign policy priority.