UN Envoy’s Grim Warning Over Assange’s Life

A United Nations expert in torture diagnosis has in the past week issued a stark warning that Australian whistleblower Julian Assange is in danger of dying from extreme prison conditions in Britain.
It is testimony to the rank hypocrisy of British and American governments who lecture others around the world about democracy, human rights and international law.
One can only imagine the hysterical outcry among Western governments and media if somehow Assange was being detained in a Russian prison.

Syria: OPCW Whistleblowers Confirm What We Already Knew

November 5, 2019 (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Whistleblowers have come forward revealing what many had known all along - that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had deliberately altered various reports and suppressed evidence regarding alleged chemical weapon attacks in Syria to help bolster US war propaganda.

Turkey and Russia: A Remarkable Rapprochement

 Glad to know someone else is paying attention to the remarkable rapprochement of Turkey and Russia. And is paying heed to just how well Turkey and Russia have been working together.  For more years then many are acknowledging or care to be aware of. In Syria. And elsewhere. I've been following their dealings as close as possible and admit to being impressed by both leaders as they cooperate. Together. And with Iran in the Astana partnership.  We have to understand that it's not just a matter of Putin being a real diplomat.

CIA Got Tip on Al Baghdadi's Whereabouts from the SDF/PKK. Redeeming the Kurdish Terrorists

Quick follow up on today's earlier report

 I've noticed this push to redeem the Kurds in the mass of perception managed minds in all the reporting on this assassination. These terrorists don't deserve redemption.