Securing the M4 and M5 Highways in Syria a Blow to Turkey? Or for US/ Israel & Their "Greater Kurdistan" Plan?

The claim of "blow to Turkey" is being made in regard to the securing the two highways.  Though, it's completely out of touch with reality to my mind. You may ask- Why do you say that?  Why is this situation being viewed so differently here then elsewhere?Let me explain.The Year is 2018..... And the Astana Guarantors made the Idlib Agreement- In that agreement the M-4 and M-5 highways were to be reopened because it is beneficial to Iran, Syria and Turkey that this happens. As stated nearly two years ago:

More Damning Evidence of OPCW Cover-Up in Syria

More evidence has emerged to indict the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in carrying out a despicable cover-up in Syria. Even more damning is that the cover-up appears to have been orchestrated at the highest ranks of the organization in response to political pressure from the United States and Western allies.

Idlib's Fake News: Erdogan & Putin Set To Talk. Zone For Refugees Is Likely Outcome

 What is and has been occurring in the general locale of Idlib province Syria requires a near herculean effort to sort out.Below is fake news and a fake news headline:

"Turkish troops “neutralised” 101 Syrian soldiers, Ankara said, in retaliation for the regime killing at least five Turkish soldiers and wounding five more in an attack in Idlib province on Monday"

Was the US "Wrong" About the Base Attack That Nearly Kicked Off A War With Iran? Or Was the US Simply Advancing the Remake?

Did the US simply get it all wrong?  The NYT’s asks the most preposterous question, in my opinion, regarding the attack on the K1 base in Iraq. Was the US “wrong”? Oh, no they weren’t. They were not wrong. Not mistaken. Nor were they misinformed. It was not a question of having the wrong intel or anything like that at all. They lied. It’s that simple. They lied. That’s how I see it! The US was looking for any excuse to further implant themselves in Iraq.  Entrench. To Expand. They wanted to kill Soleimani. And they were testing the waters with Iran.

ISIS Sleeper Cell Attacks In Kirkuk, Twice in Just One Week.

 Kurdish media is reporting on these attacks. Considering the symbiosis between the Kurds and ISIS..... Surely it's just a matter of time before the best ISIS fighters in the whole world, the  Usrael Kurds, simply have to go "fight ISIS" enabling them to grab disputed Kirkuk- How convenient is that? Kurdistan 24