Dr Vernon Coleman: Bill Gates, Governments and Their Empire of COVID ‘Stuff’

There’s just a few too many coincidences surrounding this Coronavirus crisis and the incessant promotion of “stuff” by governments, the World Health Organization, and their corporate and ‘philanthropic’ foundation sponsors.
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, lists a number of incidents which, he believes, support the contention (shared by many) that we’re in the middle of a global conspiracy to take control of our lives. Watch:

America Last as World Rejects Trump’s China Witch-Hunt

Another week and another self-imposed isolation of the United States from international consensus.
At the annual meeting of the World Health Assembly, the forum for the World Health Organization, held via teleconference from Geneva, there was near-unanimous rejection of the demand made by the Trump administration for an inquisitorial-style investigation into the coronavirus pandemic.

America’s meddling in Venezuela has no boundaries. After a failed coup attempt, trying to install a bogus president and imposing crippling sanctions, will it ever be held to account?

May 21, 2020, RT.com -by Eva K Bartlett America’s meddling in Venezuela has no boundaries. After a failed coup attempt, trying to install a bogus president, and imposing crippling sanctions, will it ever be held to account?

The Coronavirus Pandemic, Sanctions on Iran, and the Maladies of World Order

The Coronavirus Pandemic, Sanctions on Iran, and the Maladies of World Order
[Prefatory Note: This post consists of my responses to three recent interviews with the Iranian journalist, Javad Herian-Nia, and published previously in Iran over the course of the last month. The text of my responses has been modified by subsequent developments and further reflections on my part.]
1-What will be effects of coronavirus on the current world order?