A Canadian (Armenian Heritage) Embedded with Kurds “fighting’ ISIS.

Of course I view this feel good story differently then most everyone else will. Presented as a do gooder. Just defending his beliefs......Global News

“Craig and I both are really proud of Kyle and the courage that he’s shown to stand up in the way that he has to defend his beliefs,” she said.”

What are his 'beliefs'?

Lavrov: Upcoming Astana Talks & the Agenda Includes..... Adana

Who knew there was going to be more news so soon on this diplomatic push for Syria and Turkey to formalize relations and ensure no power vacuum at the border? While most probably addressing Idlib. Perhaps even prior to these upcoming talks? Which would explain why Turkey has moved tanks and troops to their border with Idlib province.

Israeli Strikes/ ISIS Bombings "Tactical Changes" In the MENA Remake

Coming hot on the heels of the second "ISIS suicide bombing" right where Usreael's Kurds are in Syria.. NOT A COINCIDENCE--- We have more news about Israeli airstrikes and an explosion in Latakia.Do you all recall in the previous post dated January 12/2019- I expressed, plainly, that the tactics had shifted and The Next Phase of the MENA Remake has Likely Begun.Hell that was even the title of the post. Quoting below, your's truly stated..