UN security council

Britain’s ultimatum to Russia BACKFIRES, NATO and EU allies reject demands for action on Skripal

Donald Trump’s latest tweets saying that the US should aim for better relations with Russia underscores a crucial point about the Skripal case: the British are failing to win the support of their allies that they seem to have expected.
At this point it is necessary to say something about the British diplomatic strategy last week,

East Ghouta: the last great battle of the Syrian war?

Reading media reports of the fighting in east Ghouta over the last few days has triggered an eery sense of déjà vu.
It is like taking a time machine back to the autumn of 2016 and listening to all the arguments over the fighting in Aleppo all over again.
Just as in 2016 the reports concern fighting between the Syrian military and a large force of Jihadis – in both cases around 10-15,000 men – trapped in a district of one of Syria’s two main cities.
In 2016 it was eastern Aleppo; this time it is east Ghouta, which is a suburb of Syria’s capital Damascus.

The UN General Assembly vote on Jerusalem: Nikki Haley again fails the US

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42 Times the US Has Vetoed UN Resolutions against Israel

The UN Security Council is expected to vote today on a draft resolution rejecting the recent move by US President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, widely condemned around the world.
As Israel’s biggest ally – the US gives Israel around $3bn in aid annually, largely military, each year – a UN Security Council vote was always going to be ambitious.

The case against Michael Flynn: Lying to the FBI about asking Russia’s help to protect Israel (full analysis of indictment and Flynn’s guilty plea)

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China slams US policy on North Korea; calls it “an abysmal failure”

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Boris Johnson says (again) he is going to Moscow; just as Britain gets booted off World Court

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