UN Human rights council

US Abortion Restrictions Violate Women’s Human Rights

In August, 2017, more than half a million Rohingya refugees flooded across the border from Burma to Bangladesh to escape violence in Rakhine State, including pregnant women and children. The United States gave about $28 million in food and other goods, but the government’s global gag rule banned family planning aid, violating women’s rights, say the authors. ASHIQUE RUSHDI/USAID

Nikki Haley Revs Up: ‘We’re in the Money’

Nikki Haley, the former US envoy to the UN, has been nominated to join the Boeing board, among other new ventures that could raise a lot of money for a possible presidential run by her. As governor of South Carolina, she helped Boeing expand its plant there, a move celebrated above, May 10, 2013. CREATIVE COMMONS
Two months after leaving the United Nations, Nikki Haley has assembled a political network that is laying the groundwork for a possible presidential run in 2024, or even in 2020 — should her mentor Donald Trump not run.

UN Human Rights Council Extends Mandate for Investigation of War Crimes in Yemen

SANA’A, YEMEN — The families of war victims have welcomed a UN Human Rights Council resolution extending the mandate of an international investigation into war crimes in Yemen, describing the vote as a step that shows the Council stands with those who have lost loved ones.
Amar Fares, who lost her entire family in Saudi airstrikes that targeted her home in northern Yemen’s Heidah district last year, told MintPress News:

The extension of the mandate for an international investigation gives us hope for the first time. Maybe I will see part of justice achieved.”