
Comparing Two U.S.-Government Catastrophes: Bush’s 2003 Invasion Of Iraq, & Obama’s 2014 Coup in Ukraine

Eric Zuesse (blogs at https://theduran.com/author/eric-zuesse/) The U.S. Government lied its way into invading and destroying Iraq in 2003, and the U.S. Government lied throughout and since its 2014 coup in and destruction of Ukraine in 2014. Both operations are and were based upon lies that the U.S. Government, and its vassal-nations, (‘allies’) reiterate — or […]

U.S. routinely violates international law, with impunity — and seeks to replace U.N.

Eric Zuesse The U.S. Government, and its allies, frequently advocate for “a rules-based international order” (or, going even farther, they presume that “the rules-based international order” already exists) and they always avoid stating what its relationship would be (or supposedly is) to international law — the body of international laws that have been established under […]

U.S. routinely violates international law, with impunity — and seeks to replace it.

Eric Zuesse The U.S. Government, and its allies, frequently advocate for “a rules-based international order” (or, going even farther, they presume that “the rules-based international order” already exists) and they always avoid stating what its relationship would be (or supposedly is) to international law — the body of international laws that have been established under […]

The Lying Propaganda-Phrase “Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine”

Eric Zuesse Here is why Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 was actually legal under international law: No one maintains that U.S. President John F. Kennedy lacked international legal authorization to invade the Soviet Union if the Soviet Union were to place American nuclear-warheaded missiles in Cuba 1,131 miles from Washington DC. Everyone […]

U.S. Government Tries to Make the U.N. an Agency of the U.S. Government

Eric Zuesse The U.S. Government has long dominated the U.N., but is now seeking to politicize the U.N. itself, so as to turn it into a more openly hostile body against both Iran and Russia — lands that the U.S. Government now especially targets for ultimate take-over (or “regime-change”). Here is how that’s being done: […]

The All-Encompassingness of the U.S. Government’s Secret Global Police-State

Eric Zuesse The U.S. Government is controlled by its Deep State, America’s billionaires, whom their Government has been assisting, ever since 25 July 1945, to extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. They have thus been gradually taking control over, and replacing, […]

NYT Presents Strong Case for a War-Crimes Prosecution Against Russia

Eric Zuesse Whereas numerous instances of U.S. war-crimes have been documented in some news-reports well enough to be successfully prosecuted in international war-crimes tribunals (but the U.N.-authorized agency the International Criminal Court cannot prosecute U.S. war-crimes but only war-crimes by third-world countries’ leaders), such well-evidenced instances by Russia are far rarer. However, on May 19th […]