
No witnesses, no long trial. Republicans want quick end to Ukraine impeachment hoax (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss recent statements from a variety of Republican leaders saying that if and when the the Ukrainegate impeachment moves to the Senate for a trial, they are poised to call no witnesses and push for a quick end to the process.
No witnesses means that the public will never hear publicly, under oath, from Adam Schiff, the gossip-blower, Hunter Biden, Steele, Simpson, Chalupa and other characters entangled in the three year witch hunt to remove US President Trump.

Why the UkraineGate Hearings Didn’t Move the Dial

CNN and MSDNC’s talking heads seemed surprised and disappointed that the recent televised impeachment hearings do not appear to have moved any but a small number of Republicans into supporting the impeachment and removal of the demented fascist oligarch Donald Trump.  Liberals roll their eyes while discussing surveys showing that Republican voters are unmoved by clear evidence of Trump’s corrupt conduct in trying to extort political dirt on Joe Biden out of Ukraine with the bribe of American missiles.

Ukraine, Trump, Biden — The Real Story Behind ‘Ukrainegate’

Since this news-report is going to be especially harsh regarding today’s Democratic Party in the United States, readers should be aware that until that Party nominated Hillary Clinton in 2016, this writer was, and consistently voted as, a Democrat, and that I have never been, and never could be, a Republican. In no way does this article reflect a Republican viewpoint. It is not partisan — not favoring one person’s viewpoint over any other’s.

Establishment Dems Demand Trump be Impeached, but Not for War Crimes

The Presidential impeachment proceedings rumble on as House Democrats continue their attempt to remove Donald Trump from office. Their case centers around the revelation that the President used his office to lean on a foreign head of state to dig up dirt on a domestic adversary. Trump is widely accused of threatening to withhold financial aid to Ukraine if the country did not open an investigation into Barack Obama’s Vice President Joe Biden, currently a major contender for the Democratic Presidential nomination, thus effectively using his power to persecute political opponents.