
[Exclusif] Le Procureur Chokine porte plainte contre Joe Biden pour ingérence dans l’action judiciaire de l’Ukraine (et il nous cite…)

Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui ce document exclusif : la plainte de l’ex-procureur d’Ukraine Viktor Chokine contre Joe Biden pour ingérence dans l’action judiciaire de l’Ukraine – qui cite d’ailleurs notre enquête UkraineGate…

À l’intention du Directeur intérimaire du Bureau national d’investigation

[Breaking News] Prosecutor Shokin files a complaint against Joe Biden for interference in Ukraine’s legal proceedings

Today we present you this exclusive document: the complaint of former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin against Joe Biden for interference in the legal proceedings of Ukraine – which incidentally cites our UkraineGate investigation …

To the interim director of the National Bureau of Investigation

Bolton, Vindman twins & NYT conspire to damage Trump during Senate trial (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the latest “bombshell” leak (and soon to be latest bombshell dud) via John Bolton’s tell-all book, where the neocon warmonger claims that Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine until Zelensky agreed to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
The newest bombshell dud was leaked by the New York Times, as Army Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman (twin brother of the ‘almost three time Ukraine Defense Minister’, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman) was in charge of reviewing Bolton’s book at the NSC.

Giuliani Threatening to Release Evidence of Biden Bribery and Corruption in Ukraine

As the US Senate’s Impeachment Trial of President Trump continues, it’s becoming clearer than ever that these elaborate proceedings have been staged for a single purpose: to deflect away from a litany of corruption activities which took place during the Obama Administration. Such accusations are not groundless.

[Exclu Les-Crises] Notre 1ère série documentaire : “UkraineGate – des faits qui dérangent”

Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter aujourd’hui la première vidéo de notre série documentaire« UkraineGate – Des faits qui dérangent ».
Notre enquête a débuté au printemps 2019. Elle traite du conflit entre Joe Biden et Donald Trump, qui vient de conduire ce dernier devant le Sénat pour un procès en destitution. La presse française en ayant peu parlé, et la presse américaine en ayant mal parlé, nous apportons ainsi notre pierre à la recherche de la vérité sur les agissements de l’administration Obama.

What’s Really Behind America’s ‘Russia Problem’?

RINSE AND REPEAT: Back in 1996, Time Magazine crowed about how a team of American “specialists” helped Boris Yeltsin get re-elected. In 2016, the US media flipped the script, now howling about how Vladimir Putin supposedly aided the Trump campaign.
“Russia helped Trump get elected!”, and “The Russians interfered in the 2016 US elections!”, and “The Russians have attacked our democracy!” etc.