Leaked Files Expose Syria Psyops Veteran Astroturfing Breadtube Star to Counter COVID Restriction Critics

By covertly recruiting popular YouTube influencer Abigail Thorn to counter growing opposition to UK gov’t Covid restrictions, psy-ops pros are bringing home the tactics they honed in the Syrian dirty war.
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Children with disabilities offered ‘do not resuscitate’ orders amid pandemic

RT | December 27, 2021 The UK’s efforts to “protect the NHS” from being overwhelmed during the Covid-19 pandemic reportedly extended to asking families of disabled minors whether they should be resuscitated in the event their heart stopped beating. The so-called “do not resuscitate” orders, known as DNACPRs, were offered to families of children with autism and […]

Leaked files expose Syria psyops veteran astroturfing BreadTube star to counter Covid restriction critics

BY KIT KLARENBERG AND MAX BLUMENTHAL · THE GRAYZONE · DECEMBER 24, 2021 By covertly recruiting popular YouTube influencer Abigail Thorn to counter growing opposition to UK gov’t Covid restrictions, psy-ops pros are bringing home the tactics they honed in the Syrian dirty war. Leaked documents have revealed a state-sponsored influence operation designed to undermine critics […]

Patrick Vallance’s Defence of SAGE Modelling Fails to Convince

By Will Jones | The Daily Sceptic | December 24, 2021 Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance has come to the defence of SAGE and its modelling after some torrid headlines this week following a Twitter exchange between lead modeller Professor Graham Medley and Spectator editor Fraser Nelson in which Professor Medley revealed that SAGE had not been asked to model less disastrous scenarios. Writing […]

Leaked files expose Syria psyops veteran astroturfing BreadTube star to counter Covid restriction critics

By covertly recruiting popular YouTube influencer Abigail Thorn to counter growing opposition to UK gov’t Covid restrictions, psy-ops pros are bringing home the tactics they honed in the Syrian dirty war. Leaked documents have revealed a state-sponsored influence operation designed to undermine critics of the British government’s coronavirus policies by astroturfing a prominent founder of the BreadTube clique of “anti-fascist” YouTube influencers.  The project aims to conduct psychological profiling on British citizens dissenting against policies such as mandatory vaccination and […]

Vaccinating 5 to 11 yo: the UK does not advise healthy kids to get it, while USA starts mandating it for school

Our policy is not sensible By Vinay Prasad MD MPH | December 23, 2021 It is always instructive to highlight differences in the vaccination policies between nations. After all, the clinical trials that guide these decisions are the same across nations. Yet, different experts can view the same risk-benefit decisions differently, or view uncertainty differently. […]

COVID Jabs: Ineffective, Oppressive and Dangerous

Iain Davis There is no moral, legal or logical argument for mandatory vaccination. The only logical argument, from a public health perspective, would be either to reduce the spread of infection or reduce the impact on health services via some other mechanism. We will explore the evidence which shows that the COVID-19 supposed “vaccines” are …

Leaked NHS Report Claims London Hospitals “Likely to Be Overwhelmed” Within Three Weeks. We’ve Heard That Before

By Will Jones | The Daily Sceptic | December 22, 2021 An internal NHS report leaked to the Health Service Journal claims that hospitals and ambulances in London are “likely to become overwhelmed due to rising Covid demand in the next two to three weeks”. This is despite the fact that, as NHS Providers Chief Chris Hopson points out: “The overall […]