UK Labour MP Jo Cox

This Bloody EU Referendum

The question whether to remain in the EU or leave has been distorted beyond recognition by political pimps and spivs on both sides of the argument. They were not invited into our living rooms but set themselves up as our advisers all the same.
Every political party (except UKIP) has hitched its waggon to the EU. They can’t afford to lose. The public therefore cannot rely on their politicians for a balanced view. Here are some of the silly things they are telling us to justify their insistence we remain enslaved to Brussels.

The Difficulties with Lone Wolves

Much of Britain is recoiling in the wake of the death of Labour MP Jo Cox, who was shot and stabbed on Thursday in broad daylight outside the public library in Birstall to the shouts of “Britain first!” It was the first killing of a serving MP since Ian Gow, whose life was taken by Irish Republicans in 1990.
The suspect, Thomas Mair, was said to have carried what was an “old-fashioned” possibly homemade gun, and also brandished a knife in the attack. At around 1 pm, the shots and blows rained down upon Cox, who was declared dead less than an hour later.