UK elections

Do You Think The Economy Will Escape A Trump Meltdown?

From time to time I asked my financial advisor when she thinks the Trump Crash will come. She doesn't see one coming any time soon. I hope she's right. Do you know who Jim Rogers is? I used to see him on TV all the time when I watched financial news programs. Usually termed a "legendary investor," he was one of the founders of the Quantum Fund. He was just interviewed by Business Insider's Henry Blodget.

Not Anarchy, But A Political Earthquake Rocks The U.K.-- Hung Parliament

There are 650 seats in the Lower House of Parliament, meaning a party needs to win 326 to form a majority government. When Theresa May-- believing her own and the Establishment's anti-Corbyn hype-- called a snap election on April 18, her party controlled 330 seats to just 232 for Labour. The SNP held 56 seats (out of a total of 59 seats in Scotland) and the Liberal Dems held 9.

Can Jim Messina's And Señor Trumpanzee's Ineptness Help Jeremy Corbyn Win Tomorrow?

Tomorrow is election day in the U.K. And John Nichols thinks you should be as excited as Bernie is about Jeremy Corbyn's anti-austerity campaign. Bernie even went over there to campaign for him, probably hoping Trump would deliver the coup de grâce for the Conservative Party by endorsing Theresa May.