
Predictably, Boris Johnson Is Off To A Disastrous Start As Prime Minister

The first test of Boris Johnson's premiership came yesterday. First, remember that Johnson wasn't elected to head the U.K. government by British voters, just by a small number of Conservative Party activists. The zany Trumpist who now heads the U.K. is far to the right of the general electorate and after his party's loss of a seat in Wales yesterday, has a working plurality in Parliament of exactly one vote.

Is The U.K. About To Get A Trumpist Prime Minister?

New polling is scaring the hell out of both the Conservative Party and the Labour Party in the U.K. Voters who want to leave the EU are abandoning the Conservatives for Nigel Farange's far right Trumpist Brexit Party and Labour voters who want to remain in the EU are abandoning their own flip-floppy party for the Liberal Democrats.

We Get To Vote Again On Trump Next Year But Poor England May Never Get Another Chance To Vote On Brexit

Thursday, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn the the House that "After the last few days of government chaos and some defeats, all of us now have the opportunity and the responsibility to work together to find a solution to the crisis facing this country, where the government has so dramatically failed to do so.