Biden Chooses The Trump Approach To Iran, Death By A Thousand Sanctions

The United States has reached a “dead end” said Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, whilst speaking on the Iran Nuclear Deal negotiations this Tuesday, stressing that the future of the Islamic Republic should not depend upon the outcome of the negotiations. This, as the US postures for a more aggressive approach in the region. Read More...

Kushner’s 2 Billion Dollar Saudi Investment Is Far From Their Worst Dealings

A New York Times piece has recently brought to light a seemingly corrupt dealing between the former senior White House advisor Jared Kushner and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Whilst the story is certainly telling, it is far from the worst thing conjured up between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and former US President Read More...

The US-Backed Saudi Coalition Failed In Yemen, Saudi Arabia Is Now Scrambling To Rescue Its Image

The war in Yemen has come to a temporary halt, due to a UN brokered ceasefire, last Saturday. This Thursday, Yemen’s Saudi-backed President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi has ceded power to a newly formed ‘Presidential Leadership Council’. Western media present this as Saudi Arabia’s push for peace, when in reality it represents an admission of loss Read More...

What Does Syria’s Normalization With The UAE Mean For Israel?

Last month, Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, made his first visit to an Arab country since the beginning of the Syrian war in 2011, leading to debate on what this could mean for the future of the region. Bashar al-Assad travelled to Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, reportedly meeting with Emirati Crown Prince Mohammed Read More...

Foreign policy conducted on the sly: Britain and the repressive Gulf monarchies

Foreign policy conducted on the sly: Britain and the repressive Gulf monarchiesby Ian SinclairMorning Star29 March 2022 In 1917, after listening to an account of fighting on the Western Front, Prime Minister Lloyd George is reported to have said “If people really knew [the truth], the war would be stopped tomorrow. But of course they […]

Israel to send military attache to Bahrain soon, says envoy after Negev summit with Arab states

Press TV – March 29, 2022 Israel will “soon” appoint a military attache to the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet headquarters in Bahrain, says the Israeli ambassador to Manama, as diplomats from the Persian Gulf country and three other Arab states attend a meeting in the Negev desert in occupied Palestine. “This will happen soon – […]