
Jesus in the Law? Elijah as Type of Christ – Jay Dyer

The law and prophets are often typological presentations of the coming Messiah. In the NT Jesus explained the law of Moses and the prophets and Psalms were full of references to Him and that the entirety of those texts was about Him. In other talks I highlighted the Theophanies in the OT who are none other than the Logos, the Second Person. The appearances to Elijah and the symbolism in these texts are often overlooked as prophetic types that attest to inspiration.

IDENTIFYING CULTS & FALSE TEACHERS (Judges 17-18) – Jay Dyer (Half)

A vintage post fixed: American Churchianity is a giant atheism factory. This is a preview clip of a full talk based on instructive wisdom from the Book of Judges we see perennial marks of a false church. In contrast, we will discuss the true Church and its marks and how I wound up where I did after 20 years of searching and research. For the full talk see JaysAnalysis.com.


Amazing Prophecies of Hosea: Baal Sex Cults & The Messiah – Jay Dyer (Half)

Hosea begins the Minor Prophets in the Orthodox Study Bible, and is often overlooked. However, Hosea is cited numerous times by Christ and St. Paul as being fulfilled in multiple aspects with the arrival of the Messiah and the Church, the Kingdom of God. For the full talk, subscribe at JaysAnalysis.com at the membership links.
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Symbolism & Mystical Typology of Exodus Pt. 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

Picking back up in Exodus, we investigate the typology and symbolism of Exodus, which points directly to the coming of the Messiah in the figure of Christ. Dreaded by all liberals and modernists, the Torah is absolutely the inspired and inerrant the Law and Word of God.
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Genesis, Giants, Nephilim & Biblical Philosophy Lecture 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

This is the free half, while subscribers to JaysAnalaysis get access to the full lectures, talks, interviews and archives by subscribing at the PayPal links at JaysAnalysis.com. Today we move to the next section of Genesis, chapters 3-6 to examine the typology, symbolism and overall philosophy of revelation, contrasted with the philosophy of naturalism, materialism, paganism and Gnosticism.
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Genesis Vs Atheism & Paganism – Introduction to Theology – Jay Dyer (Half)

7 days of creation and Genesis 1 must be myths, right? Merely Carl Jung style “archetypes”? Isn’t the Bible just like all the other ancient near eastern religions? Didn’t monotheism evolve from polytheism? No, no, and no to all. No. In this talk we set our view over against the incoherent meaninglessness of modernity and scientism and paganism – all made foolish in Genesis itself. Hour 2 is available for subscribers to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links.
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Pagan Religions, Perennialism & Fr Stephen Freeman Refuted Pt. 2

This second part includes the section of the video that failed to be processed correctly with an additional hour of my comments in response to Fr. Freeman’s email. I give my view of perennialism and how St. John of Damascus showed the means by which all religious systems boil down to a few basic starting point errors on God in his catalogue of heresies. Thus, in cabalism, Hinduism, evolutionism, and higher criticism and gnosticism, we see all the same trends and patterns at odds with our view.