
11 Points Is Very Big

  A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll of registered voters shows Trump losing in a 53% to 42% election-- an 11 point deficit. That's a lot. In the 1968 presidential election, the first time I was allowed to vote, Nixon beat Hubert Humphrey by seven-tenths of a point, about half a million votes. Carter beat Ford by 2 points. Four years later, Reagan's landslide win over Carter was 9.7 points.

Mike And Julie, The Key To Winning Back Texas

  Republicans have controlled Texas for too long and have grown comfortable enough to overlook arrogance and embrace corruption. It's time for them to be put out to pasture. Many Texas voters-- particularly in the suburbs and exurbs around Dallas-Ft Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio-- are sick of Trump and giving up on his enablers.

Universal Healthcare Is Nothing To Fear— A Guest Post By Julie Oliver

After her first run against corrupt Republican Roger Williams-- in a gerrymandered central Texas district where she did far better than anyone expected-- Julie Oliver was unsure if she would run again. But at that time-- back in February-- she wrote a post about universal healthcare. “Those who use ‘socialism’ as a pejorative term to fear-monger,” she wrote, “want you to think that America can’t afford to provide universal healthcare.

Heidi Sloan's Plan for Political Revolution

Heidi Sloan, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, is running for Congress in Texas' gerrymandered 25th district, which stretches from Burleson, split between Tarrant and Johnson counties, just south of Ft. Worth, through Gatesville, Ft. Hood/Killeen and Texas Hill Country and into the heart of Austin (including the UT campus). The incumbent is a super-rich, super-corrupt used car salesman named Roger Williams.

Trump's Swamp Is Worse Than Even Harding's And Grant's Administrations Combined!

Last year USA Today columnist Paul Brandus reminded his readers that "We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant. We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G.

Kathi Thomas, progressive Texan: "The Difference Between Running To Be Elected And Running To Serve"

TX-25 is another one of those gerrymandered Texas districts created as part of Tom DeLay's plan to disenfranchise Democratic voters. It twists and turns and winds its way from East Austin and the UT campus west and and south to Dripping Springs and north through Lake Travis and Gatesville all the way up to Burleson in the Fort Worth suburbs.